Recommended by Tiffany Antone

  • Drill
    26 Mar. 2018
    This moving (and very short) piece is a great way to start off an evening or afternoon of gun-conscious work (it's a part of the Playwrights Say Never Again collection). Honored to be able to share this on our ONSTAGE: ON-AIR podcast. Gets you thinking and feeling in under two pages - bravo!
  • Linda (Monologue for a Latina)
    23 Mar. 2018
    This monologue is awesome. A beautiful role for a Latina actress about empowerment, self-realization, and Wonder Woman. An honor to include this piece in our 2017 ONSTAGE Fest!
  • Rounds Per Second
    14 Mar. 2018
    Highly effective and moving piece - powerful storytelling!
  • Just Try!
    10 Mar. 2018
    My God, this is a designer's dream - what a delightfully bizarre, active, hilarious, chilling world. And all the chalk, the outlines, the fantastic imagery and ensemble work... I would love to see this play! Excellent experimental piece, brilliant fit for a college with large ensemble looking for an opportunity to flex abstract muscles. Would love to see this play done by several companies - a show who's every incarnation will be uniquely captivating!
  • Uncomfortable
    25 Feb. 2018
    A moving and strong piece about sexual predation and the choices made on a victim’s behalf by the predators in their life. Chilling
    25 Feb. 2018
    Crushing. A powerful piece that is hard to ignore. Galvanizing.
  • Drown
    12 Feb. 2018
    I was a fortunate observer to David’s reading of this play at the Great Plains Theatre Conf. What a beautiful, lyrical, and highly visual piece of theatre!
  • This Floating World
    11 Feb. 2018
    I planned to read this over the course of a few days, but stayed up past my bedtime in order to finish it one sitting! What a curious and creative play-I hope I get to see it on stage. (Fun play for costume designers too!)
  • TO HISTORY/To Whom It May Concern -- ONE: War/Paint
    14 Nov. 2017
    As usual, Jaisey infuses her play's poetic language with passion, spirit, and grace. A beautiful play with a very important message.
  • Ethnically Ambiguous: A 10-Minute Play
    23 Mar. 2017
    Wow - a really powerful piece about sisterhood & intersectionality. Would love to see this in production!
