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  • Alexander Perez:
    14 Jun. 2020
    Many writers who land on a great concept often aren't able to get much more out of it than a clever title but Mr. Bavoso delivers the goods with artisan precision. A last resort for imaginary people results in two phantoms recovering the humanity they were denied from their very creation. Absurd, topical, and just plain fun.
  • Doug DeVita:
    4 May. 2020
    With more LOLs per second than should be legal anywhere in the world, John Bavoso's "The Home For Retired Canadian Girlfriends" exceeds its brilliant premise and becomes one of the most delightfully dizzy comedies I've read in a long time. And as much fun as it is to read, I can only imagine how dazzling it is to see it performed. Great, hilarious fun.
  • Philip Middleton Williams:
    4 May. 2020
    This is one of those plays that you're going to remember with a grin. The imagination of John Bavoso creates a perfect place for storing those imaginary friends that are more real than the real friends.
  • Susan Middaugh:
    4 May. 2020
    What could be more intriguing for an audience than a retirement home for a 20 something woman who isn't really alive but "a product of her boyfriend's imagination? Very imaginative with some very clever lines: "Shh! This is Canada. I don't think we can swear here." Enjoyed it.
  • Len Cuthbert:
    12 Apr. 2020
    This is a great 10-minute play that reveals just enough information at a time to keep the audience fully engaged. Some great lines and good laughs, especially for the Canadian that I am. "Is there anything manmade in this country?"
  • Sina Skates:
    6 Mar. 2020
    I love, love, love this play! Had a little bit of everything! So funny, so clever, and a twist at the end I did not expect. It's not just funny, but also carries depth, layers, meaning and purpose. The dialogue is smart, relatable. There's great comedic timing in the work, catches you on the first page. And then there's this moment when it starts turns and you see it's not just a funny, entertaining sketch or a skit. The characters reveal themselves, and we experience more than just their surface motivation. Really great!
  • Stephen Kaplan:
    8 Feb. 2020
    A totally clever and hysterical play. Bright and breezy but with something to say as well. Bavoso creates a whole world and, even in its short length, finds ways to constantly surprise and delight the audience. A really enjoyable play.
  • Bethany Dickens Assaf:
    7 Nov. 2019
    An absolutely wonderful concept that unfurls in unexpected ways. Both characters have striking individual voices and the dialogue is tack-sharp. This is a play to excite audiences, leave them wanting more, and get them talking about the aspirational stories we tell about ourselves.
  • Lainie Vansant:
    21 Oct. 2019
    The premise of this play is a celebration of LGBTQ+ pride, which is fantastic and beautifully done. On top of that, Bavoso adds nuance by forcing his characters to make choices and letting them take control of their own stories, and he does it all with such charming humor. This play has super fun roles for two comedic actors - put it on its feet!
  • Asher Wyndham:
    5 Oct. 2019
    Everything about this -- the zany story, the never-seen-before characters -- makes for a clever play. A highly imaginative short play with perfect structure. This is so good, this is kind of comedy entertainment your theatre needs for your showcase.
    One of my favorite short comedies on NPX.
