Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • trauma dumping
    28 Jun. 2024
    Well that was intense. And surreal. And disorienting. And a powerful metaphor for the torturous path that is grief. Absurd humor bumps against real feelings in a vividly theatrical context. McDonalds, Dante's Inferno, DND, Buckey the Beaver, the nature of faith, the effects of early religious training and trauma, and multiple car wrecks are tossed together to make a compelling journey and an ultimately resonant whole.
  • Annnd Scene (of the Crime)
    28 Jun. 2024
    What a riotous salute to murder mysteries and improv! The two elements are wittily blended to provide ever escalating humor. And oh how the amateur throws his whole self into the improv! I would love to see this play, with its mix of verbal dexterity and physical comedy, on its feet.
  • Doppel Date
    28 Jun. 2024
    Two's company, four's a crowd? This brisk witty comedy looks at two characters trying to manage their alter-egos as well as a pretty awkward date. The hilarity escalates as these characters and their alter-egos push in and out of the foreground. The kicker ending suggests that we all have alter-egos. I hope mine is better behaved!
  • If You Give a Ghost a Cookie
    25 Jun. 2024
    This is a charming comedy that lifts the spirits and warms the heart. Robin's endearing goofiness pries a secret (and a cookie) out of Sunny. That they become co-conspirators is the icing on this delicious confection.
  • Low Class Boner Pills
    23 Jun. 2024
    I laughed long and hard at this delirious satire of marketing ploys and ... ah ... male enhancement products. The struggle for prose is real and Sam triumphs over it to the great pleasure of readers and audiences. Very funny stuff here.
  • Cremains to Be Seen
    23 Jun. 2024
    This is a witty portrait of the commercial side of mourning. The character driven laughs flow while the reality of grief is never far beneath the surface. The juxtaposition leads to some edgy and effective humor.
  • Dear Satan
    23 Jun. 2024
    Well that was a glorious dose of demented Christmas cheer. Little Lana shows us that a little manipulation can make all your dreams come true. A real holiday classic in the making!
  • Monologue - ART THERAPY - FLO
    23 Jun. 2024
    Poor Flo truly cannot catch a break on her graduation day. The saga of her travails is quite amusing to us not going through them. A fun monologue with just a whiff of melancholy.
  • JACK AND JILL (ten minute play)
    22 Jun. 2024
    Jack and Jill presents an honest and sometimes amusing portrait of a long marriage. While repeatedly waiting for Jill, Jack reveals his history and the limits of his forbearance. The startling conclusion offers much food for thought and a bit of ambiguity.
  • The Fall of Anne Boleyn; Presented as a Modern Day FaceTime Call
    22 Jun. 2024
    The use of modern technology brings an element of comedy to what remains the tragic fall of Anne Boleyn. The comic and tragic elements are balanced with great skill. All three of these characters and their differing agendas are well drawn. I would love to experience this work in its intended Zoom format.
