Recommended by Shaun Leisher

  • Shiv
    5 Oct. 2017
    Shiv is a poetic work of theatre that plays with time in beautiful ways. A play about memory, dreams and letting go that will take awhile to shake.
  • Orange
    5 Oct. 2017
    More plays like this need to be written. Plays about Southeast Asian people that's not all about them being Southeast Asian but being people. Plays about people on the autism spectrum that treats them with such nuance and care.
    28 Sep. 2017
    I love reading early drafts of plays!!! Really excited to follow the development of this play. This is yet another example of Gina Femia subverting audience expectations with her characters choices and leaving things messy in awesome ways. JUST LIKE IN REAL LIFE!!! Also a really charming workplace play.
  • For The Love Of (or, the Roller Derby Play)
    27 Sep. 2017
    I'm dying to see a production of this play. Between the brilliantly crafted characters, dialogues and dance sequences it's sure to be an exciting theatrical experience.
  • Saints Go Marching
    26 Sep. 2017
    Death, grief and the legacy we leave behind are certainly common themes in theatre but no play I've read covers them in such a uniquely magical way as this one. Wonderful characters and a story that goes to really interesting places.
  • The Tourists
    20 Sep. 2017
    It seems like American romanticization of Europe is as old as the nation's founding. Europe is that magical place where all are problems can disappear if we just run to it. Using the financial crisis in Greece as its backdrop, this play dives into what happens when a foreign vacation doesn't solve anything and how usually you just have to face our struggles head on. With amazingly complex roles (especially for women) and some magical realism this is a thoroughly enjoyable play that will stay with you.
  • Bones Like Dust
    19 Sep. 2017
    A unique and smart play about how faith and science are not the opposing forces we are led to believe.
  • Pussygrabber
    19 Sep. 2017
    A powerful solo piece that really shows how so many of us could not just accept the results of the 2016 election and why we still resist. This play will be important as long as men who abuse women continue to be rewarded.
  • Pieces of Penelope
    19 Sep. 2017
    War plays that draw connections between ancient cultures and today is not new but this take on it is so fresh and hopefully just the start of more plays that look at this oftentimes forgotten community of soldier's wives. Femia creates complex women and allows them to wrestle with they sacrifices they've made. These women try to hold it together and be the model military wives but this play lets us in behind the facade and shos just how timeless these unfair expectations on women really are.
    19 Sep. 2017
    I'm really anxious to see this piece continue its development. Workplace plays are hard. They so easily can fall into the trap of just being a location with a bunch of wacky characters. This play has stakes and take you through the wringer emotionally as you see not just what this grocery store closing does for its employees but also to the community.
