Asher has found the one thing that duct tape can't fix. This short piece sent shivers down my spine! In just 4 pages Wyndham has pinned down the childish, selfish, and disrespectful behavior backing a broken administration. It's positively evil, it'll make you wanna jump in your shower and scrub your skin, it'll make you dig further into your couch cushions for every spare nickel, dime, and quarter you can send to RAICES. Disturbing and packed with a punch, SUMMER (CONCENTRATION) CAMP COLORING CLUB would certainly set the stage for an evening of Protest Plays.
Asher has found the one thing that duct tape can't fix. This short piece sent shivers down my spine! In just 4 pages Wyndham has pinned down the childish, selfish, and disrespectful behavior backing a broken administration. It's positively evil, it'll make you wanna jump in your shower and scrub your skin, it'll make you dig further into your couch cushions for every spare nickel, dime, and quarter you can send to RAICES. Disturbing and packed with a punch, SUMMER (CONCENTRATION) CAMP COLORING CLUB would certainly set the stage for an evening of Protest Plays.