Recommended by Lee R. Lawing

  • Apart
    19 Dec. 2023
    Wow! The lyrical nature of this play is so strong beautiful and the events that unfold so very real to so many people who are going through this with aging parents and those who are suffering from Alzheimer's and who are lost in the future but still finding bits of the past that all but overwhelm those are caring for somebody that's no longer the same or ever will be again. So glad this was my featured play of the day.
  • BUZZ
    19 Dec. 2023
    I agree with John that this would be an excellent play to stage with some great possibilities for the person who plays Leslie. The entire play is a comic gem from the mind of Plumridge as nothing says family gathering like a little Buzz does. So many dinners with the family feel like you're just being nice and showing up and that's what makes this play so great, is that buzz and sensation that Kathy is experiencing all to herself while the all of those around her just continue on with their discussions.
  • DARK
    19 Dec. 2023
    Dark and twisted and oh so funny. An actor's worse nightmare or slice of heaven. You decide.
  • Elfs
    14 Dec. 2023
    Funny play about tradition vs. change and all those things that we have grown up surrounding Christmas could have been so much different if only the likes of elves like Mo would have had their way. Great addition to any holiday line-up of plays.
    9 Dec. 2023
    This one hit a little close to home. Two of our good friends have moved back to Palm Springs and so that feeling of not being together and that feeling of knowing friends and family are spread out across the globe can make for some emotional days during the holidays. Thank goodness that we live in the days where connection is just a FaceTime call away. It won't ever replace the closeness of actually being in the same room, but it can definitely lift some of the blue of out of Christmas holiday.
  • Andela
    7 Dec. 2023
    There are those people in the world who become accustomed to the daily routine and ins and outs of living and what would any of us do if presented with such news as Jordan is presented with. The world itself makes it hard to believe in a higher power but what joy it would be if the miracle of one child could move us all to become better people to do good not for our own gain, but just because it’s the right thing to do. This play is devilishly funny as hell and that’s the gospel truth.
  • Look Away
    7 Dec. 2023
    I love history and love discovering things I’ve never known and certainly would have not been taught. Grant’s general order #11 is one such bit I’ve never heard of, but just as our nation seems to be on the brink of another civil war, reading or seeing this play should make us al realize what a slippery slope that comes from the generalizations of anyone and the those who make them into laws without any hesitation for their own benefit.
  • The Sunset Train - 10 Minute Play
    6 Dec. 2023
    The myths and legends about the Old American West are well known and passed down to all of us who love a bit of history. Kaminiski gives us such a myth in the Kid and the mysterious passenger who is with him on the train after his last robbery. This tale of two stowaways reaches a satisfactory and cathartic conclusion by play's end and you'll be glad that you were able to hitch along.
  • Water Damage
    1 Dec. 2023
    Love this play so much We all move into houses or apartments and hear those things that we write off as just the house settling it may be a ghost if you believe in those things. This play masterfully gives us such a house that has suffered and is still grieving from what happened to it and just like Rich, we will always wonder just what happened in any room or space that we inhabit from here on out.
    29 Nov. 2023
    I often fear for our country when I see these things that I swore I'd never see taking place and no one says anything or does anything and it's all accepted as if it is the new normal until we are all deep in a black hole with not hope of returning, but then I it does my heart good to realize that there are the Harley Sloane's of the world who know deep down what is right and not right when she sees it and just like the comet streaking across the sky, Harley gives me hope again.
