Recommended by Lee R. Lawing

  • A First-Draft Second-Rate Love Story
    26 Nov. 2023
    How many drafts does it take to make a play feel complete? Busser would have us think that it's at least four and for all of us sitting in the audience, we would be hoping that there is more drafts yet to come just to see this funny play keep going. Sometimes perfection sneaks up on us and delights us and I would say the only surprise is that Busser has created another delightful piece of perfection that needs to be seen by everyone.
  • MOSQUITO LORE [short version]
    21 Nov. 2023
    Loved the line "I just want to enjoy my virginity in peace" and the banter between god and his prey moves into such a poetic dialogue that the reader will always remember the importance of their story.
  • The March Of I'ds (a one minute play)
    21 Nov. 2023
    This was the featured play of the day for me. Loved the the fact that in just a minute we get the entire relationship that may be if Suzy gives Adam her phone number at a bus stop.
  • Splitting the Check (Ten Minute)
    17 Nov. 2023
    I was feeling sorry for Brett actually and thought, wow, to be on a date with this person who seems a little petty about paying for the meal and what portions she would cover and which ones she would not and then the ending surprised and delighted me beyond words.
  • Essie and Willie (a monologue)
    15 Nov. 2023
    There is a beauty that comes from remembering things of the past and this monologue can definitely take anyone back to think fondly on your childhoods. Norkin's memory makes me wish I had been there to witness and I do understand that remembering childhoods are not a blessing for everyone and I will always be thankful that mine was filled with such memories like this.
    14 Nov. 2023
    Heard this delightful play read on Theatrical Shenanigans. Friendships are the balm of the soul or can be and for those who believe in reincarnation and that souls can go on and on forever or more than one life, the beginning would be just as important as the end.
    14 Nov. 2023
    There can never be too much absurdism in your life and this play fits nicely into that side of life and it's laugh out loud funny which is always a very big plus. Charles Scott Jones gives us a masterful play that is crafted beyond just the framework that he's working in and gives us a study of the human condition as any good play should.
  • A Certain Pedigree
    13 Nov. 2023
    I always imagine that that my dogs are speaking to me most days and gladly carry on conversations with them even though the experts say that's not really the best way to communicate with them but Feeny-Williams's charming play gives me hope that just maybe they are getting a lot more our conversations than the experts say they are getting. If nothing else we have some wonderful life-lessons that we can learn and remember from reading about this lazy summer afternoon spent with the neighborhood dogs who have come out to relax and enjoy the summer and bond.
  • High Ground
    13 Nov. 2023
    I love this retelling of the classical biblical story of Jesus being tempted by the devil. We all are tempted by the world. Some of those temptations are good, others not so much. Learning to realize that difference is one of the cornerstones of laying the foundation of becoming an adult in order to navigate the world.
  • Ugly Doctor Hospital
    13 Nov. 2023
    I saw the title and couldn't resist. Busser does funny better than anyone I know and this play is no different with the jokes coming at you so fast and furious that you'll need a trip to the ER just go get your face calmed down from all the laughing.
