Recommended by Lee R. Lawing

  • Parent / Teacher Night, a Monologue
    11 Nov. 2018
    Boyle captures the harried teacher so well. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to be in this profession and I admire those who are. I admire this monologue as well especially the surprise ending.
  • The Interior
    11 Nov. 2018
    Mesmerizing right out of the gate and it never lets up! The Interior is one great monologue--funny and scary and so well written!

    Saw Miranda Jonte read this on Back Porch Theater April 2021 and the well written words were so nice to hear live!!!
  • God's Retribution
    6 Nov. 2018
    A sweet and funny play about the growing pains of aging--at the ripe old age of 26. Bultrowicz brings such warmth to this play about those things that we use to cover up our deeper set fears and our hope that in the end we can find those people around us who will love us for all our faults and wrinkles.
    6 Nov. 2018
    I enjoyed this play so much! O'Grady takes real-life people and breaths that dose of believability into these movie stars to make them fresh and exciting. I didn't grow up a Fields fan but after reading this play want to see more of his films and also to read more about him which for me is the mark of any great piece of literature or art or film--encouraging the audience to not only leave the show feeling that they've seen something worthwhile, but also spark that curiosity to discover more about these stars we admire so much.
  • Status Pending
    5 Nov. 2018
    Status Pending cuts to the heart of the Facebook and online addiction we all have. Funny and so right to the point of what's truly important in this world--friends, real friend and experiences and real events and real engagement with the real world around us! Thank you Foltz for this gem of a short play! A must read for everyone!
    5 Nov. 2018
    A young girl who knows what she wants and is sticking to her decision. Another great monologue by Wyndham who has such a gift for speaking up for those who don't often get that voice. VULTURE GIRL speaks for all of us who don't want the oh so boring white-breaded way of life and who want to spread the type of wings we want to show the world!!! Fly high VULTURE GIRL!
  • Popsicle Kisses
    30 Oct. 2018
    A play that is so very beautiful in how it's executed, but so very disturbing in bringing to the forefront those things that destroy a family and haunt everyone involved for life. Gonzalez creates an original play that is a true classic, with strong visuals and language that are the touchstones that I have come to appreciate so much in his writing with every play I read.
  • Shimmers
    28 Oct. 2018
    What a beautiful tribute to love. One of the best short plays I've read and one of sheer poetry. Pertain's handling of this tale is simply magical!
    28 Oct. 2018
    Powerful and so so beautiful! To come to an understanding over someone's death is so hard and Carnes writes such a moving tribute to this pain and journey that this friend is facing!
  • Corky's Dead
    28 Oct. 2018
    Depression can hit so hard and fast and play out on so many levels and over so many reasons and Stubbles Corky's Dead is a great ten minute play that captures that moment where it takes hold of Sepp after his dog dies tragically and oh so comically, but it's in the moment of clarity that comes through for him in the end that pushes us to understand that it is in the bottoming out that can leave us with such insight and wisdom not gained by anything else.
