Recommended by Lee R. Lawing

  • A Small Attempt to be a Specific Woman, But Really Doesn't Mean Anything, Just Ignore Me
    16 Jun. 2021
    This play resonated with me strongly. The clothesline running in the background showing a "woman" life and death all with clothes. It makes you wonder when all of this patriarcal BS will stop and we can just be more like the Russians wanted us in the first place, all equal and all the same all for the good of the people and country, but even then that fell apart over time when they became more westernized. This is a power piece and one that should be read by every single one and all of us promise to make the change.
  • SWEET ZOMBIE JESUS -a monologue
    16 Jun. 2021
    We all wake up from those dreams and are like, what the heck? We try to go back to sleep in hope of continuing on with it. And once awake we try to make sense of it all. We wish our dreams might ground us or make us feel safe or at least not make us question the failings of our life, dreams and hopes and the collapsing sanity that we see disappearing all around us day after day.
    16 Jun. 2021
    This play makes your soul ache for all the horrible things in our world's past and sadly, all these types of things that will come again because as much as we like to believe the world will change and it has and will continue to grow and improve, there's always a darkness that is lurking beneath the surface and Rios captures that darkness so perfectly in this masterful tale.
    15 Jun. 2021
    Brilliant monologue and one that tugs at the emotions so much. It starts off so deceptively simple that you are lulled into a place of calm and willingness to follow along with Derek in his ramblings but then half-way through you start to think about phrases and words that you don't like and that cause you pain and that alter your life and way of being no matter how hard you try to avoid hearing them or thinking of them or using them. Smith offers up just one take on this word and leaves us breathless.
  • The Oktavist
    9 Jun. 2021
    Coming out stories have been with us for the beginning of time and coming to terms with one's own self and becoming comfortable with one's own sexuality can seem to take a lifetime. Sadly some of us never do discover the real "me" until too late or never. Gatton's sweet comedy/drama is a perfect example of one person's process. I hope Dimitri finds his Oktavist in life and they can share these precious moments on earth together.
  • 1900s Women Bonding
    3 Jun. 2021
    This was the play of the day for me and I'm so glad I had the chance to read 1900s Women Bonding. Hysteria is such dark part of our history and how badly women were treated for their "issues" the way that men wanted them treated. Everyone should meet Marie and Cassandra!
  • The Matrimony Experiment
    2 Jun. 2021
    Romance is hard enough in the day to day and McShane offers up gem of girl meets boy in this futuristic journey with his Matrimony Experiment. It seems that love doesn't have a place with Vera and Paul, but give them enough time to get past the contracts and money, this becomes such a charming first love story and rom-com from the heart once they read between the contract lines.
  • TAP. TAP. TAP.
    2 Jun. 2021
    Levin's Tap.Tap.Tap had me holding my breath and truly unsure of what this unseen thing which is responsible for the tapping. A great 10 minute play that truly brings the horror and suspense very nicely until the very end.
  • Supersnout!
    2 Jun. 2021
    Animals are always so fun to read about when they are allowed to speak on stage and Supersnout is no different. Cafarella offers us a bond between one woman and her dog Andre who as a sleuth greater then Inspector Gadget! Funny and touching and never a dull moment, Supersnout! lives up to his title!
  • Janmadin
    2 Jun. 2021
    Birthdays are a hard thing for a lot of people and there's always those "Just forget me on my day," and others that go all out with excitement. Deep down I think we a little pleased when we are remembered. It's become part of our upbringing and culture to have the one day that is all "ours." Gatton provides us just one such person and one such situation and it makes us remember how important it is to celebrate the little things and just let someone know you're thinking about them on their special day.
