Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: That Midnight Rodeo

    What's not said says more than what is said in this brief but powerful piece. If you want a lesson in subtext, this is the play to read/see.

    What's not said says more than what is said in this brief but powerful piece. If you want a lesson in subtext, this is the play to read/see.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: The Body's Midnight

    A lyrical and often poignant piece that speaks of the fragility of memories, both external and internal. Anne and David are visiting places that are disappearing and, even worse, have already disappeared; the perfect metaphor for the ordeal Anne is currently dealing with. This one is both about the journey and the destination, and whatever form those may take, and the willingness to take detours when necessary.

    A lyrical and often poignant piece that speaks of the fragility of memories, both external and internal. Anne and David are visiting places that are disappearing and, even worse, have already disappeared; the perfect metaphor for the ordeal Anne is currently dealing with. This one is both about the journey and the destination, and whatever form those may take, and the willingness to take detours when necessary.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: The Hanging Girl

    A horror/thriller/mystery that is two plays in one, and both work to great effect. I'm particularly taken by the way the second half makes you look back on the first in a new way. Engaging from the start, tense in layered ways, and hitting both thrills, chills, and empathetic sadness, Aleks Merilo has a real winner here!

    A horror/thriller/mystery that is two plays in one, and both work to great effect. I'm particularly taken by the way the second half makes you look back on the first in a new way. Engaging from the start, tense in layered ways, and hitting both thrills, chills, and empathetic sadness, Aleks Merilo has a real winner here!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: KNOCK KNOCK

    I really like this piece. The story flows so fluidly and the characters inhabit the setting so perfectly. There is a constant sense of foreboding throughout the piece, with a creeping sense of building dread as well, both from the story and the sound/set design. Would love to see this staged.

    I really like this piece. The story flows so fluidly and the characters inhabit the setting so perfectly. There is a constant sense of foreboding throughout the piece, with a creeping sense of building dread as well, both from the story and the sound/set design. Would love to see this staged.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: A Spirited Manor - A Victorian Penny Dreadful

    Dark, spooky, and full of emotion, this play captures the Victorian gothic literature so well you'd think it was taken from a real penny dreadful. But this original piece would be perfect for any modern theatre looking for something for the scary season. Please consider this for an October run, preferably near me!

    Dark, spooky, and full of emotion, this play captures the Victorian gothic literature so well you'd think it was taken from a real penny dreadful. But this original piece would be perfect for any modern theatre looking for something for the scary season. Please consider this for an October run, preferably near me!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: RAVINE (a 1-min stage play)

    Visceral is how I would describe this play. It doesn't try to fantasize about the situation, or delve into what may have been. It just puts you in the situation at present. But what this play accomplishes in this short runtime is amazing.

    Visceral is how I would describe this play. It doesn't try to fantasize about the situation, or delve into what may have been. It just puts you in the situation at present. But what this play accomplishes in this short runtime is amazing.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: She's Not There

    This play not only shows the depths of depression and how people struggle with it, but the impact it has on those around them. It also shows how there isn't an easy answer, either. Rob wants to emphasize with Anna's condition, and clearly loves her, but reality (and depression, brilliantly portrayed by The Form) has other plans. This is a play that leaves you with questions rather than answers, which all great theatre should do.

    This play not only shows the depths of depression and how people struggle with it, but the impact it has on those around them. It also shows how there isn't an easy answer, either. Rob wants to emphasize with Anna's condition, and clearly loves her, but reality (and depression, brilliantly portrayed by The Form) has other plans. This is a play that leaves you with questions rather than answers, which all great theatre should do.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: an open letter to parents who send their boys to summer camp

    The title alone caught me. This short but powerful piece serves as a lyrical warning to be aware of the toxic features that can develop early on in a boy's life.

    The title alone caught me. This short but powerful piece serves as a lyrical warning to be aware of the toxic features that can develop early on in a boy's life.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: All The Pretty Colored Bottles Under The Sink

    A play that reveals itself slowly, and hits hard at the end. I particularly like the title, and figuring out the ominous meaning behind such a seemingly innocuous phrase. But the characters drive the story, and it's a journey worth taking.

    A play that reveals itself slowly, and hits hard at the end. I particularly like the title, and figuring out the ominous meaning behind such a seemingly innocuous phrase. But the characters drive the story, and it's a journey worth taking.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: The Pitchforks

    I lost count of all the twists in this play. This really delivers on the idea of representation in a genre, both with the main narrative and where it goes from there. I wish I could write a play like this. Great job!

    I lost count of all the twists in this play. This really delivers on the idea of representation in a genre, both with the main narrative and where it goes from there. I wish I could write a play like this. Great job!