Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Rx Machina
    1 Jun. 2022
    What struck me most about this play is the fully developed characters. They're not mouthpieces, or drawn two-dimensionally, but fully realized people, each with their faults, desires, and needs. This attention to detail carries into other parts of the play, where the conflict is perfect and the tension keeps everything moving. There are no easy answers, and the playwright knows this, crafting a play that challenges you and makes you think.
  • Coloropolis
    1 Jun. 2022
    A very original, theatrical work that explores individuality through personified colors. I particularly like how well drawn each character is, and it's funny to boot!
    27 May. 2022
    A play that presents two well drawn characters over the years, each presenting their point of view. If you want to see two realistic people struggling with their inner angst, and yet unable to communicate with each other, just like life, this is the play for you.
  • Twigs and Bone
    26 May. 2022
    Can't remember the last time I read a play that got under my skin and stayed there. This play was recommended to me by a friend of mine, and I was hooked by his review. Dark as night, with shades of Sam Shepard, with liberal sprinkling of folklore, this play pulls at the threads of family, and what a person will do to find the answer. You'll feel trapped as much as the characters, making this one of the most effective horror pieces I've ever encountered.
    12 May. 2022
    Darkly comic, very theatrical, and all around a joy to read. Playwright Cho gives insight onto issues that I have little to no knowledge of, in an entertaining and thought provoking narrative. I especially like the juxtaposition of generation gaps, female adolescence, and living within American culture that is dominated by privilege. All seamless and exhilarating.
  • Romero and Juliet (from the THE WRINKLE RANCH AND OTHER PLAYS ABOUT GROWING OLD collection)
    8 May. 2022
    Devastating, haunting, and beautifully written. The playwright takes us on a journey that not only hits emotional beats, but twists around in a compelling narrative that keeps you reading. It's not often that a play done in this style hooks me, but this one did it. Can't say enough good things about it.
  • True Story
    6 Apr. 2022
    A grand gothic story with modern, compelling stagecraft. Playwright Lewis delves into a mystery through her characters, bringing in their backstory at key moments while keeping you guessing right up until the end. Nothing is wasted, everything matters, and the ending both delights and shocks. A fine piece.
  • Art Attack
    29 Mar. 2022
    A breathless, hard hitting play that asks tough questions. I particularly enjoyed how fair it is to all characters represented here. I really felt that I was a fly on the wall watching the drama unfold in each scene. Very timely, and very provocative.
    29 Mar. 2022
    A fine piece that shows the old classics often have troubling backstories, and that sometimes those troubles intrude on the present. Using Miller's Crucible as a foundation, the play brings out an intergenerational challenge that staging a play in our modern times can often entail. There aren't any easy answers, just some questions that we should consider.
    11 Mar. 2022
    A charming play with a great twist, with two characters that feel so real you could know them personally. I love how this resolves, with the backstory effortlessly brought into play.
