Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: THE WARSHIP WATERLOO

    Short as this play is, there's a lot to like. The scene is set quickly, and the comedy packs a punch.

    Short as this play is, there's a lot to like. The scene is set quickly, and the comedy packs a punch.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Dorothy's Dictionary

    A play that hits on themes of affirming life and passing knowledge. The two characters have little in common at first, but soon find themselves making the most of their shared experience. Literary references are sprinkled in, but they come organically from the librarian, while the teenager shares his own stories. A nice little play that will stay with you.

    A play that hits on themes of affirming life and passing knowledge. The two characters have little in common at first, but soon find themselves making the most of their shared experience. Literary references are sprinkled in, but they come organically from the librarian, while the teenager shares his own stories. A nice little play that will stay with you.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Scraps

    A play that takes its time to get to the heart, all the while giving each character a say. The imagery of the faithful dog, and its fate, are starkly realized and startling in its emotional punch.

    A play that takes its time to get to the heart, all the while giving each character a say. The imagery of the faithful dog, and its fate, are starkly realized and startling in its emotional punch.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: True Skies

    What I like about this play is that the playwright doesn't have the characters immediately share their feelings. The subject is difficult, and we feel that every step of the way. They feel very real, and they touch upon our emotions as we watch them try to make sense of what their future will be, even though they're about to take very different paths. A powerful piece.

    What I like about this play is that the playwright doesn't have the characters immediately share their feelings. The subject is difficult, and we feel that every step of the way. They feel very real, and they touch upon our emotions as we watch them try to make sense of what their future will be, even though they're about to take very different paths. A powerful piece.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Pickers: A Ten-Minute Play

    A sharp and pointed play about a topic that touches upon many that work (or try to find work) today. The characters grapple with their new lives working for an economic behemoth, with some of the old truths about working and making a living found to be not so true anymore. I particularly like how the play shows that regardless of experience, there is still some common ground we can find.

    A sharp and pointed play about a topic that touches upon many that work (or try to find work) today. The characters grapple with their new lives working for an economic behemoth, with some of the old truths about working and making a living found to be not so true anymore. I particularly like how the play shows that regardless of experience, there is still some common ground we can find.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: A Day In The Life Of...

    An alternate take on a famous Liverpudlian quartet, with joyful reminiscing and a window of what could have been, and a reminder of what did happen. A sweet little play.

    An alternate take on a famous Liverpudlian quartet, with joyful reminiscing and a window of what could have been, and a reminder of what did happen. A sweet little play.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Jesus Plays Basketball on a Hot Night in Iraq

    Dark and unflinching, this play really makes use of subtext to pull you along without stating everything up front. The characters are extremely well-drawn, with their pain surfacing at just the right moments. A great piece!

    Dark and unflinching, this play really makes use of subtext to pull you along without stating everything up front. The characters are extremely well-drawn, with their pain surfacing at just the right moments. A great piece!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Putt-Putt

    This was a really fun read. Playwright Sapio has a real gift for both spoken humor and comedic action, and this play has plenty of both. All of it rooted in character and conflict. And the play has something to say about the advertising industry and the lengths some will go to sell a product, while others may have more integrity. Would love to see this on stage.

    This was a really fun read. Playwright Sapio has a real gift for both spoken humor and comedic action, and this play has plenty of both. All of it rooted in character and conflict. And the play has something to say about the advertising industry and the lengths some will go to sell a product, while others may have more integrity. Would love to see this on stage.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Blue

    Beautiful and lyrical, Blue touches on the many thoughts that invade someone who is trying to achieve something. Doubt, past regrets, history and the future all interweave this thoughtful, short play that can lend itself to a variety of staging methods. A fine little piece I'd love to see on stage sometime.

    Beautiful and lyrical, Blue touches on the many thoughts that invade someone who is trying to achieve something. Doubt, past regrets, history and the future all interweave this thoughtful, short play that can lend itself to a variety of staging methods. A fine little piece I'd love to see on stage sometime.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Hope

    A play that touches on the greater homeless issue in Los Angeles, as well as personalizes it in two very different characters who have found themselves in the same situation. Both characters are not that far removed from their prosperous former lives, but they find themselves cast out regardless, showing that it could happen to anyone.

    A play that touches on the greater homeless issue in Los Angeles, as well as personalizes it in two very different characters who have found themselves in the same situation. Both characters are not that far removed from their prosperous former lives, but they find themselves cast out regardless, showing that it could happen to anyone.