Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Beldam & Gaffer
    15 Aug. 2023
    The dialogue appears meandering, but that's the point. The subtext flows in and out through what they say and don't say, that the ending suddenly becomes crystal clear in the end. This is a great piece for actors and for an audience to decipher and come to the same epiphany that I did. Great work!
  • First Date 2099
    29 Jul. 2023
    A very intriguing play that takes the concept of dating "rituals" to its extreme. A sci-fi play that doesn't need fancy effects, just a strong sense of theme and a fantastic what-if scenario. And it's really funny!
  • Rent-A-Pet
    25 Jul. 2023
    A charming little play that reminds us that sometimes you have to look past the first impression. Would be a very funny edition to a ten minute play festival.
  • Dispatched
    19 Jul. 2023
    Fast paced, always engaging, and showing hidden depth in every line, this is a great piece! Allegorical in theme, but also providing characters that are flawed and relatable. The mystery of what exactly is going on will keep you on the edge of your seat, and the conclusion will stay with you long after the curtain falls.
  • Ghosts
    19 Jul. 2023
    Lots of twists and turns in this one. Playing with three different time periods and multiple mysteries, the playwright expertly weaves a tale that keeps you guessing where it is going and where it will end up. Also shows that ghosts come in many forms.
  • the tragic, unfortunate and all too preventable death of a mockingbird
    18 Jul. 2023
    A lively comedy with some deep undertones. You can tell the playwright had a lot of fun writing it, and yet I'm also struck by its conscientious themes. This is a very interesting piece, and I encourage others to read it.
  • Body Positivity
    16 Jul. 2023
    The title says it all. The criticism and abuse Alyssa went through and still goes through hits emotional beats effortlessly. This play gives you a lot to think about, and a perspective that everyone should consider.
  • Penny
    16 Jul. 2023
    A play that beautifully builds to an emotional twist. I love that the father and daughter have a complicated relationship, but still show love.
  • Ancient Wisdom of the Shoebill Stork
    11 Jul. 2023
    I love the idea of creating the stork onstage. This would be a visual delight. On top of that, the witty banter between the three characters is hilarious. Reminds me of the often disappointing quest to gain wisdom, when one usually has what they need within themselves. Bravo!
  • Grave Misunderstanding
    11 Jul. 2023
    I love work like this. Start with an already spooky setting, and move into characters who may or may not be what they appear to be. Add in a backstory with depth, and you have a real recipe for a genre piece that will stick with people. Would love to see this on Halloween, or any night with that magic in the air.
