Recommended by John Adams

  • John Adams: Take the K Train

    This is a bizarre little play that's equal parts fun and strange. It's hard to say much without venturing into spoiler territory, but just think of it as an abstract, yet accessible, piece. I think a director would have a rewarding experience with this one, given that it has some interesting stage effects that are achievable on any size budget but still would look cool as heck to audiences. Just don't take the train home after seeing this one! :D Saw as a staged reading at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference.

    This is a bizarre little play that's equal parts fun and strange. It's hard to say much without venturing into spoiler territory, but just think of it as an abstract, yet accessible, piece. I think a director would have a rewarding experience with this one, given that it has some interesting stage effects that are achievable on any size budget but still would look cool as heck to audiences. Just don't take the train home after seeing this one! :D Saw as a staged reading at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference.

  • John Adams: Beauty & the Grit

    This is a dynamic and explosive study of two characters and their toxic but (at least on one side) caring relationship. I saw a staged reading of this at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference, and even several days later, I keep coming back to a line about things that are "spent" and a flower that's lost its petals. Very strong writing, and a rewarding challenge for two actors.

    This is a dynamic and explosive study of two characters and their toxic but (at least on one side) caring relationship. I saw a staged reading of this at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference, and even several days later, I keep coming back to a line about things that are "spent" and a flower that's lost its petals. Very strong writing, and a rewarding challenge for two actors.

  • John Adams: Ever After

    Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was a splendid little 10-minute play about the princess (of "... and The Frog" fame) and the frog (of same) working out their boundary issues with therapist extraordinaire, Mother Goose. That's the premise, which Waterson lays out nicely up top so we can right into this hilarious therapy session where we learn just how messed up their "happily ever after" turned out. It's the Fractured Fairytale you never knew you needed! Saw a staged reading at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference.

    Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was a splendid little 10-minute play about the princess (of "... and The Frog" fame) and the frog (of same) working out their boundary issues with therapist extraordinaire, Mother Goose. That's the premise, which Waterson lays out nicely up top so we can right into this hilarious therapy session where we learn just how messed up their "happily ever after" turned out. It's the Fractured Fairytale you never knew you needed! Saw a staged reading at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference.

  • John Adams: Sputnik

    I wasn't familiar with Sputnick Monroe before seeing a staged reading of this play at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference -- but, wow, did I learn a lot about his fascinating and impactful life! Robert works so much into just 10 minutes. The playwright employs a non-traditional structure, which I think will really appeal to directors and casts looking for something a little outside the norm. And this structure allows the titular character to address the audience in his larger-than-life fashion. Fun and informative!

    I wasn't familiar with Sputnick Monroe before seeing a staged reading of this play at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference -- but, wow, did I learn a lot about his fascinating and impactful life! Robert works so much into just 10 minutes. The playwright employs a non-traditional structure, which I think will really appeal to directors and casts looking for something a little outside the norm. And this structure allows the titular character to address the audience in his larger-than-life fashion. Fun and informative!

  • John Adams: The Divorcee Shower: A Ten-Minute Comedy

    This is a fantastic one-actor play that KILLED at its staged reading at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference. The playwright spoke after and mentioned she structured this piece similarly to how the Upright Citizen's Brigade structures their comedy with a base reality and escalating beats of humorous oddity. I'm a big UCB fan, so this is right up my alley. Lots of laugh-out-loud moments capped with a surprisingly poignant ending. Well done!

    This is a fantastic one-actor play that KILLED at its staged reading at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference. The playwright spoke after and mentioned she structured this piece similarly to how the Upright Citizen's Brigade structures their comedy with a base reality and escalating beats of humorous oddity. I'm a big UCB fan, so this is right up my alley. Lots of laugh-out-loud moments capped with a surprisingly poignant ending. Well done!

  • John Adams: Brian's Poems

    Terrific piece! Brian's Poems is a moving and heartfelt play that never forgets how to be fun and playful. Finding out that it's based on a true experience of Rinkel's just makes it more interesting. The playwright does an EXCELLENT job establishing the stakes right up top -- there's a time limit, closing doors, and a looming intercontinental plane flight! Directors, take note: This piece gives you some interesting staging/props choices. One of my favorite readings from the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference.

    Terrific piece! Brian's Poems is a moving and heartfelt play that never forgets how to be fun and playful. Finding out that it's based on a true experience of Rinkel's just makes it more interesting. The playwright does an EXCELLENT job establishing the stakes right up top -- there's a time limit, closing doors, and a looming intercontinental plane flight! Directors, take note: This piece gives you some interesting staging/props choices. One of my favorite readings from the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference.

  • John Adams: Unghosting the Chromosome

    I saw a reading of a section of this play (first scene) at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference. I hope to see the entire piece someday! This is a true story -- though dramatized with engaging techniques like ghosts! -- telling the history of an individual who made a key scientific discovery. But this does not come off like some sort of techy/science play; no, it's all about the rich characters, and how one of them blames his past actions for what happened to the other. The opening scene worked well as a stand-alone!

    I saw a reading of a section of this play (first scene) at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference. I hope to see the entire piece someday! This is a true story -- though dramatized with engaging techniques like ghosts! -- telling the history of an individual who made a key scientific discovery. But this does not come off like some sort of techy/science play; no, it's all about the rich characters, and how one of them blames his past actions for what happened to the other. The opening scene worked well as a stand-alone!

  • John Adams: Life in the Hard Drive

    Wow -- what a cool structure! Lam takes some big risks with this piece, and they certainly pay off. Without going too deep into spoiler territory, the premise envisions a near future with an optional type of prison sentence that seems like a good idea on the surface, but... well, I'll let you find out from there. There's a LOT covered in this piece in just 10 minutes, and kudos to the playwright for making it all sync together. Saw a reading at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference.

    Wow -- what a cool structure! Lam takes some big risks with this piece, and they certainly pay off. Without going too deep into spoiler territory, the premise envisions a near future with an optional type of prison sentence that seems like a good idea on the surface, but... well, I'll let you find out from there. There's a LOT covered in this piece in just 10 minutes, and kudos to the playwright for making it all sync together. Saw a reading at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference.

  • John Adams: Camel Girl

    Ladies and gentlemen! Step right up and see this amazing feat of drama and intrigue: The one, the only Camel Girl! Cole does an amazing job introducing us to Stella Harper and dramatizing one of Stella's many encounters with the press. This piece educates us without feeling like a history lesson -- in fact, it wasn't until after I saw this read at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference that I found out it was based on a true story. Really rich details and dialogue, and a main character whose confidence you're sure to admire.

    Ladies and gentlemen! Step right up and see this amazing feat of drama and intrigue: The one, the only Camel Girl! Cole does an amazing job introducing us to Stella Harper and dramatizing one of Stella's many encounters with the press. This piece educates us without feeling like a history lesson -- in fact, it wasn't until after I saw this read at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference that I found out it was based on a true story. Really rich details and dialogue, and a main character whose confidence you're sure to admire.

  • John Adams: Sanctuary City for the Unborn

    One of my favorite readings at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference! This was SO funny -- and pointedly so. The overall concept, while (unfortunately) not too far off from our current world, is played to absolutely hysterical extremes. Beyond just the humor and the social commentary, Meagher also uses a unique multi-scene structure that I don't often see work in 10-minute plays -- but here, thanks to the playwright's expertise, it works beautifully. Highly recommended!

    One of my favorite readings at the 2023 Midwest Dramatists Conference! This was SO funny -- and pointedly so. The overall concept, while (unfortunately) not too far off from our current world, is played to absolutely hysterical extremes. Beyond just the humor and the social commentary, Meagher also uses a unique multi-scene structure that I don't often see work in 10-minute plays -- but here, thanks to the playwright's expertise, it works beautifully. Highly recommended!