Recommended by Christopher Soucy

  • Christopher Soucy: I Think We're Lost

    A Neverland tour de force! All your favorites, and some fresh faces, giving the fans of Pan a welcome addition to the mythos. Peter Fenton draws us in with a clever alchemy. Mixing the familiar with the boldly original to produce a new classic. As a lifelong fan of Peter, Wendy, Tink, Smee, and Hook, I whole heartedly endorse this tale!

    A Neverland tour de force! All your favorites, and some fresh faces, giving the fans of Pan a welcome addition to the mythos. Peter Fenton draws us in with a clever alchemy. Mixing the familiar with the boldly original to produce a new classic. As a lifelong fan of Peter, Wendy, Tink, Smee, and Hook, I whole heartedly endorse this tale!

  • Christopher Soucy: Kill the Bird

    Grief feels like the end. Like the last thing you will ever feel. And any emotion that presents itself just seems like a road to deeper grief. Erika Kuhn captures the angst, the desperation, and the hopeless nature of grief beautifully.

    Grief feels like the end. Like the last thing you will ever feel. And any emotion that presents itself just seems like a road to deeper grief. Erika Kuhn captures the angst, the desperation, and the hopeless nature of grief beautifully.

  • Christopher Soucy: Bouquet of Violets

    As romantic as the art that was inspired by it, the relationship between Berthe and the Manet boys is frought with delicious tension and subtle tragedy. This is a delightfully witty and beautifully rendered play that begs to be out onstage.

    As romantic as the art that was inspired by it, the relationship between Berthe and the Manet boys is frought with delicious tension and subtle tragedy. This is a delightfully witty and beautifully rendered play that begs to be out onstage.

  • Christopher Soucy: Melt

    Wow. What a sweet twist. This short play is a cozy ride on a familiar ice cream truck that quite abruptly takes a sharp turn into a decidedly dark place. Brenton Kniess crafts very natural dialogue that reels us in, but we get a sense of the danger. Great fun.

    Wow. What a sweet twist. This short play is a cozy ride on a familiar ice cream truck that quite abruptly takes a sharp turn into a decidedly dark place. Brenton Kniess crafts very natural dialogue that reels us in, but we get a sense of the danger. Great fun.

  • Christopher Soucy: Pillow Talk

    This is a fun show! A twisted and surprising fun show. Brenton Kniess paints a picture of an awkward manic pixie dream girl gone oh so wrong.

    This is a fun show! A twisted and surprising fun show. Brenton Kniess paints a picture of an awkward manic pixie dream girl gone oh so wrong.

  • Christopher Soucy: Pillow Talk with Morpheus

    This is lovely little gem. There’s something wonderful about casual conversation with deities. Kimberly Murray-Patel manages to slip uncanny depth into otherwise light-hearted fare. Brava.

    This is lovely little gem. There’s something wonderful about casual conversation with deities. Kimberly Murray-Patel manages to slip uncanny depth into otherwise light-hearted fare. Brava.

  • Christopher Soucy: Man's Next Friend

    It is not replacement that we need to fear from AI, it’s complacency. Once we dole out all the menial tasks and many of the not so menial tasks, what will become of our passion? Our drive? This lovely little philosophical piece balances on the razor’s edge of comedy and tragedy. Dogs and Androids, whatever would we do without them?

    It is not replacement that we need to fear from AI, it’s complacency. Once we dole out all the menial tasks and many of the not so menial tasks, what will become of our passion? Our drive? This lovely little philosophical piece balances on the razor’s edge of comedy and tragedy. Dogs and Androids, whatever would we do without them?

  • Christopher Soucy: Pompadour (Bascom & Isaac #2)

    Who hasn’t been mesmerized by insane morning hair? Scott Sickles is feeding us a delicious relationship one sweet bite at a time, and I am here for the whole damn meal! I love the ease of Bascom and Isaac’s banter. There is a comfort to their connection. More pease!

    Who hasn’t been mesmerized by insane morning hair? Scott Sickles is feeding us a delicious relationship one sweet bite at a time, and I am here for the whole damn meal! I love the ease of Bascom and Isaac’s banter. There is a comfort to their connection. More pease!

  • Christopher Soucy: Shakes Spear

    A comedy of perspective. Feats of artistic daring-do oftentimes earns critiques on a sliding scale. It’s brilliant for the amount of time it took. It’s indulgent for the amount of energy expended. Joe Swenson gives us a delightful peak at the the process of writers sharing their work with others.

    A comedy of perspective. Feats of artistic daring-do oftentimes earns critiques on a sliding scale. It’s brilliant for the amount of time it took. It’s indulgent for the amount of energy expended. Joe Swenson gives us a delightful peak at the the process of writers sharing their work with others.

  • Christopher Soucy: Joey Age 5

    A nightmare. A reality. Combined the heart quakes at the revelation. In this collection of plays, Joe Swenson shares the harrowing saga of a stolen youth. Having read other installments in this series did not prepare me for the dread of the moment illustrated in this play. Theater is a place to exorcise demons, Joe is putting it good use in this series.

    A nightmare. A reality. Combined the heart quakes at the revelation. In this collection of plays, Joe Swenson shares the harrowing saga of a stolen youth. Having read other installments in this series did not prepare me for the dread of the moment illustrated in this play. Theater is a place to exorcise demons, Joe is putting it good use in this series.