Recommended by Christopher Soucy

  • Christopher Soucy: Ghost Hunting Live And Direct

    Perfect! A send up of the ghost hunting craze! I am a long time ghost hunter and love to see a good skewering of the field. Lou Jones gives us a funny and chilling tale of comeuppance and ghostly activity.

    Perfect! A send up of the ghost hunting craze! I am a long time ghost hunter and love to see a good skewering of the field. Lou Jones gives us a funny and chilling tale of comeuppance and ghostly activity.

  • Christopher Soucy: HIJINKS IN HATTIESBURG

    Chilling. The answer to “how” is oftentimes so much easier than the answer to “why.” A true Turing test asks “Why poetry?” Adam brings us closer to the ominous answer to our purpose, our longings, our very humanity.

    Chilling. The answer to “how” is oftentimes so much easier than the answer to “why.” A true Turing test asks “Why poetry?” Adam brings us closer to the ominous answer to our purpose, our longings, our very humanity.

  • Christopher Soucy: TERRIBLE BEAUTY 2.0

    The dystopian nightmare has often been about suppressing access to art, but the notion of suppressing the creating of art while still serving a glut of empty regurgitated AI is truly horrifying. Adam Richter has bravely pushed into an all too real possible future in a wonderful, funny, terrifying short play that has enough import to demand more episodes! And luckily, they are on their way!

    The dystopian nightmare has often been about suppressing access to art, but the notion of suppressing the creating of art while still serving a glut of empty regurgitated AI is truly horrifying. Adam Richter has bravely pushed into an all too real possible future in a wonderful, funny, terrifying short play that has enough import to demand more episodes! And luckily, they are on their way!

  • Christopher Soucy: REGGIE AND TOMMY BREAK UP

    there is a romanticism to the old-school hobo lifestyle. Adam Richter gives us a grounded Vladimir and Estragon who are decidedly not waiting for what comes next. They are actively living a life that seems both confining and free. Sometimes an end comes so naturally that its impact is no heavier than a feather, but the lasting effects can roll like thunder for the rest of one's life. Adam has mastered the art of hope and subtle devastation.

    there is a romanticism to the old-school hobo lifestyle. Adam Richter gives us a grounded Vladimir and Estragon who are decidedly not waiting for what comes next. They are actively living a life that seems both confining and free. Sometimes an end comes so naturally that its impact is no heavier than a feather, but the lasting effects can roll like thunder for the rest of one's life. Adam has mastered the art of hope and subtle devastation.

  • Christopher Soucy: Clockwork

    I am reminded of a quote from movie The Time Machine, “We all have our time machines, don't we? Those that take us back are memories... And those that carry us forward, are dreams.” Brenton Kniess manages to give us a sci-fi epic in a quiet gathering in an apartment.

    I am reminded of a quote from movie The Time Machine, “We all have our time machines, don't we? Those that take us back are memories... And those that carry us forward, are dreams.” Brenton Kniess manages to give us a sci-fi epic in a quiet gathering in an apartment.

  • Christopher Soucy: FAMILY HISTORY

    Loving the rapid fire plays coming out of this month. Adam Richter gives us a funny doozy of an in processing interview.

    Loving the rapid fire plays coming out of this month. Adam Richter gives us a funny doozy of an in processing interview.

  • Christopher Soucy: #NO SUCH THING (monologue - about 6 minutes)

    The telltale itch. What a great monologue about how guilt betrays us. Especially when we betray others.

    The telltale itch. What a great monologue about how guilt betrays us. Especially when we betray others.

  • Christopher Soucy: SPOKES PERSON

    Maybe one iota of difference is all it takes to tip the scales. Adam Richter has delivered a very eco friendly short play that doesn’t preach or shout. It’s a quiet, loving conversation about choices. Great and small choices that can help ease the terrible burden of modern life on the environment.

    Maybe one iota of difference is all it takes to tip the scales. Adam Richter has delivered a very eco friendly short play that doesn’t preach or shout. It’s a quiet, loving conversation about choices. Great and small choices that can help ease the terrible burden of modern life on the environment.

  • Christopher Soucy: Adapt or Die (10 min.)

    There is nothing more romantic than meticulously constructed bowers and awkward dancing. It’s how I won my wife. Robin Rice has taken the curious mating rituals of bowerbirds and translated them into a delightful meet cute that I would love to see onstage!

    There is nothing more romantic than meticulously constructed bowers and awkward dancing. It’s how I won my wife. Robin Rice has taken the curious mating rituals of bowerbirds and translated them into a delightful meet cute that I would love to see onstage!

  • Christopher Soucy: Things Are Looking Up

    Lulled into a rhythmic normalcy of idle chat and becoming familiar with characters you relate to and grow fond of, Vince Gatton has set the stage for a subtle turn toward tragedy. But it is an all too commonplace tragedy that we sense around every corner in today’s world. Bravo Mr. Gatton for sneaking up on me with that baseball bat. And while I watched you slowly wind up, I could not make myself get out of the way.

    Lulled into a rhythmic normalcy of idle chat and becoming familiar with characters you relate to and grow fond of, Vince Gatton has set the stage for a subtle turn toward tragedy. But it is an all too commonplace tragedy that we sense around every corner in today’s world. Bravo Mr. Gatton for sneaking up on me with that baseball bat. And while I watched you slowly wind up, I could not make myself get out of the way.