Recommended by Christopher Soucy

  • Christopher Soucy: Secondhand Soul

    What a delightful comedy of errors. This short play is a clever play on words. Or rather word. A seemingly supernatural meeting on a dark stormy night with a delightful twist.

    What a delightful comedy of errors. This short play is a clever play on words. Or rather word. A seemingly supernatural meeting on a dark stormy night with a delightful twist.

  • Christopher Soucy: EYES OF PUREST GOLD

    Monica Cross has furnished us with a disorienting rabbit hole to fall down. A clever barrage of anxiety and guilt. Here we see a new parent’s fears exemplified in a haunting and impactful way. It’s hard to shake the imagery of this short play.

    Monica Cross has furnished us with a disorienting rabbit hole to fall down. A clever barrage of anxiety and guilt. Here we see a new parent’s fears exemplified in a haunting and impactful way. It’s hard to shake the imagery of this short play.

  • Christopher Soucy: Hey Babe

    A dense thriller that slowly chokes you as it progresses. What at first blush seems like an uncomfortable exchange between a domineering man and his mate, quickly turns to something sinister. Equal parts familiar and fantastic, this play fills you with dread and heartache.

    A dense thriller that slowly chokes you as it progresses. What at first blush seems like an uncomfortable exchange between a domineering man and his mate, quickly turns to something sinister. Equal parts familiar and fantastic, this play fills you with dread and heartache.

  • Christopher Soucy: Menno Shrunk and His A.I. Parents

    Here’s a chilling look at what the future might hold. Menno is in for a surprise as he gets more than he bargained for. Lee Lawing weaves a tale of entitled privilege, blanket parenting methods, and the ever encroaching threat of AI doing every job imaginable.

    Here’s a chilling look at what the future might hold. Menno is in for a surprise as he gets more than he bargained for. Lee Lawing weaves a tale of entitled privilege, blanket parenting methods, and the ever encroaching threat of AI doing every job imaginable.

  • Christopher Soucy: Memento Mori

    Fantastic! Simply fantastic. A spiritual prequel of sorts to one of my favorite TV shoes, Pushing Daisies. Jonathon Cook masterfully unwinds a tale of wonder and mystery and, ultimately, justice. There is an unmistakable ease to Cook’s dialogue that just moves without effort, doing a lot of heavy lifting without straining.

    Fantastic! Simply fantastic. A spiritual prequel of sorts to one of my favorite TV shoes, Pushing Daisies. Jonathon Cook masterfully unwinds a tale of wonder and mystery and, ultimately, justice. There is an unmistakable ease to Cook’s dialogue that just moves without effort, doing a lot of heavy lifting without straining.

  • Christopher Soucy: Postpartum

    This bone chilling horror piece is a true nightmare to behold. The very real and tangible dread that can seize a parent mixed with a supernatural dread that resides in the pit of our stomach. A perfect stage horror.

    This bone chilling horror piece is a true nightmare to behold. The very real and tangible dread that can seize a parent mixed with a supernatural dread that resides in the pit of our stomach. A perfect stage horror.

  • Christopher Soucy: Abort: The Mission

    When a great wrong is perpetrated by the powers that be, it is up to the artist to retaliate with the tools at their beck and call. Lisa Feriend has answers the call to arms with a brilliantly executed smack to the face of current policy makers who so deserve a deep reckoning. The importance of the subject matter is met head on with blistering humor. As Mark Twain said “Against the onslaught of laughter, nothing can stand.”

    When a great wrong is perpetrated by the powers that be, it is up to the artist to retaliate with the tools at their beck and call. Lisa Feriend has answers the call to arms with a brilliantly executed smack to the face of current policy makers who so deserve a deep reckoning. The importance of the subject matter is met head on with blistering humor. As Mark Twain said “Against the onslaught of laughter, nothing can stand.”

  • Christopher Soucy: Love, Hathaway.

    So, so beautiful. A testimony to grief and love. A lesson about holding on while letting go. One of the most treacherous acts of love is continuing in the face of devastating loss. There is true wisdom in this play, and truer humanity.

    So, so beautiful. A testimony to grief and love. A lesson about holding on while letting go. One of the most treacherous acts of love is continuing in the face of devastating loss. There is true wisdom in this play, and truer humanity.

  • Christopher Soucy: The Dread Halls

    What fools we all are. Straight from the heart of wired tales comes this brilliant homage to the likes of Chambers and Lovecraft. A marriage of storytelling and gruesome events brought to life. A highly theatrical and literary horror story that is sure to have the audience writing in their seats.

    What fools we all are. Straight from the heart of wired tales comes this brilliant homage to the likes of Chambers and Lovecraft. A marriage of storytelling and gruesome events brought to life. A highly theatrical and literary horror story that is sure to have the audience writing in their seats.

  • Christopher Soucy: Venus Needs Men

    Not gonna lie… this one stung a little. Hilarious as all get out. But from a community theater director who put on Cuckoo’s Nest… twice. The struggle is real. This is a true gem and needs to be produced!

    Not gonna lie… this one stung a little. Hilarious as all get out. But from a community theater director who put on Cuckoo’s Nest… twice. The struggle is real. This is a true gem and needs to be produced!