Recommended by Christopher Soucy

  • Christopher Soucy: Gravestones

    A perfect read for a chilly October evening. Kendall gives us a trio of companions strolling through a graveyard. What transpires is exactly what one would expect from a graveyard stroll. Conversations about ghosts, memories, and long lost family members make this outing engaging and intriguing.

    A perfect read for a chilly October evening. Kendall gives us a trio of companions strolling through a graveyard. What transpires is exactly what one would expect from a graveyard stroll. Conversations about ghosts, memories, and long lost family members make this outing engaging and intriguing.

  • Christopher Soucy: OvEn (an ode to Shakespeare)

    Delightfully zany Shakespearean “what-if” play. Melissa Milich gives us a funny short play with Shakespeare references aplenty. As a lover of bard, and mash ups, and Girl Scout cookies, I wholeheartedly recommend this play!

    Delightfully zany Shakespearean “what-if” play. Melissa Milich gives us a funny short play with Shakespeare references aplenty. As a lover of bard, and mash ups, and Girl Scout cookies, I wholeheartedly recommend this play!

  • Christopher Soucy: Backyard Stonehenge

    relationships are tricky, there is a lot of give and an equal amount of take. sometimes you don't even realize that there's trouble until it does incalculable damage. Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn deftly navigates through a rocky patch in a relationship with humor and heart. maybe I should say "stone" patch.

    relationships are tricky, there is a lot of give and an equal amount of take. sometimes you don't even realize that there's trouble until it does incalculable damage. Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn deftly navigates through a rocky patch in a relationship with humor and heart. maybe I should say "stone" patch.

  • Christopher Soucy: The Peculiar Puppets of Penelope Platt

    I was a professional puppeteer for over twenty years. Something that has always astonished me was the sheer warmth and love so many puppeteers have for the art, the audience, and each other. Nice to see characters like Ace and Loopy keeping it real.

    I was a professional puppeteer for over twenty years. Something that has always astonished me was the sheer warmth and love so many puppeteers have for the art, the audience, and each other. Nice to see characters like Ace and Loopy keeping it real.

  • Christopher Soucy: Emergency Dream

    Harrowing. Tragic. Tense. Terse. What we ask of people in the emergency services field is nothing short of torture. A steady diet of the worst moments of people’s lives pouring through telephone receivers like blood through a sieve. Jonny Bolduc captures the weight of it perfectly in this short potent piece.

    Harrowing. Tragic. Tense. Terse. What we ask of people in the emergency services field is nothing short of torture. A steady diet of the worst moments of people’s lives pouring through telephone receivers like blood through a sieve. Jonny Bolduc captures the weight of it perfectly in this short potent piece.


    Not all monsters are there to hurt you. Sometimes they’re just reminding you of who you could be. For better or worse, we are all stalled by the monsters we create through action or inaction. Charles Scott Jones gives us a quiet encounter with a monster. Of course, which is the monster? The rockstar or the werewolf?

    Not all monsters are there to hurt you. Sometimes they’re just reminding you of who you could be. For better or worse, we are all stalled by the monsters we create through action or inaction. Charles Scott Jones gives us a quiet encounter with a monster. Of course, which is the monster? The rockstar or the werewolf?

  • Christopher Soucy: THE SCALES OF DEATH

    today's headlines ring in the text of this story that took place over 50 years ago. The senselessness of righteous violence. The cost is too high to pay, yet we constantly go into debt whenever our point of view is challenged. This is a prescient piece of theater. If only we could take time to learn from our tragedies.

    today's headlines ring in the text of this story that took place over 50 years ago. The senselessness of righteous violence. The cost is too high to pay, yet we constantly go into debt whenever our point of view is challenged. This is a prescient piece of theater. If only we could take time to learn from our tragedies.

  • Christopher Soucy: Take a Deep Breath

    The world is a scary place. And often the scariest thing is our lack of control. We are twisted and turned around by events far beyond our control. And that oftentimes renders us incapable of making rational decision. We, in turn, surrender our control. Brava, Nora, for facing your fears.

    The world is a scary place. And often the scariest thing is our lack of control. We are twisted and turned around by events far beyond our control. And that oftentimes renders us incapable of making rational decision. We, in turn, surrender our control. Brava, Nora, for facing your fears.

  • Christopher Soucy: THE VAMPIRE'S SIS

    Fun sibling bonding. It is always good to know that your sis will have your back. The inherent horror of this situation is muted by a casual tone and upbeat vibes. Oh, and to hell with Mrs. Ferguson!

    Fun sibling bonding. It is always good to know that your sis will have your back. The inherent horror of this situation is muted by a casual tone and upbeat vibes. Oh, and to hell with Mrs. Ferguson!

  • Christopher Soucy: Gifting Jon

    This play is an amazing examination of family dynamics, grief, and that helpless, hopeless feeling that comes from broken connections. Heartfelt and full of heartache, this play could easily fill up a full length with the amount of punch it delivers.

    This play is an amazing examination of family dynamics, grief, and that helpless, hopeless feeling that comes from broken connections. Heartfelt and full of heartache, this play could easily fill up a full length with the amount of punch it delivers.