Recommended by Christopher Soucy

  • Christopher Soucy: How About Them Dodgers

    Satire stings when its humor also hits so close to home. Here’s to the rebels fighting the good fight and the underground movement that shines a light in dark times. Bravo Philip Middleton Williams, keep the satirical guns locked and loaded.

    Satire stings when its humor also hits so close to home. Here’s to the rebels fighting the good fight and the underground movement that shines a light in dark times. Bravo Philip Middleton Williams, keep the satirical guns locked and loaded.

  • Christopher Soucy: QUICKSAND, a one person play

    This piece cuts straight to the heart of modern life. We are sinking. And we refuse to ask for help. But why? Sam Heyman has given voice to those of us barely keeping our head above the murky, mysterious quicksand of our lives.

    This piece cuts straight to the heart of modern life. We are sinking. And we refuse to ask for help. But why? Sam Heyman has given voice to those of us barely keeping our head above the murky, mysterious quicksand of our lives.

  • Christopher Soucy: The Golem in the Basement

    A truly funny piece that packs a wallop. The temptation to become more frightening than the thing we fear is a slippery slope.

    A truly funny piece that packs a wallop. The temptation to become more frightening than the thing we fear is a slippery slope.

  • Christopher Soucy: Charles Hamilton, a Loving Husband

    Charles Hamilton could easily be the centerpiece of a full-length play. A fascinating character plucked from history. Lee Lawing delivers an entertaining encounter with Charles. Worth the read and begging for expansion.

    Charles Hamilton could easily be the centerpiece of a full-length play. A fascinating character plucked from history. Lee Lawing delivers an entertaining encounter with Charles. Worth the read and begging for expansion.

  • Christopher Soucy: Orange Slices

    A perfect short play. It plumbs the depths of our self conscious obsessions. Poignant while remaining casual. Wise in its simplicity. A lesson gently taught, deeply felt, and wholly rewarding.

    A perfect short play. It plumbs the depths of our self conscious obsessions. Poignant while remaining casual. Wise in its simplicity. A lesson gently taught, deeply felt, and wholly rewarding.

  • Christopher Soucy: Tesseract

    Stunning. Searing in its truth. Painful in its tragedy. Terrifying in its prophetic nature. Scott has been building a dark universe that is only a breath away from our own. The terrible weight of corrupted values threatens to crush all decency in this nation. This is heart breaking. This is damning. Perhaps most importantly, this is necessary. It is the artist’s responsibility to expose the hidden, speak the unspoken, shine a light in the dark. How I wish this was idle fantasy. Bravo, Scott Sickles. And may we learn before it is too late.

    Stunning. Searing in its truth. Painful in its tragedy. Terrifying in its prophetic nature. Scott has been building a dark universe that is only a breath away from our own. The terrible weight of corrupted values threatens to crush all decency in this nation. This is heart breaking. This is damning. Perhaps most importantly, this is necessary. It is the artist’s responsibility to expose the hidden, speak the unspoken, shine a light in the dark. How I wish this was idle fantasy. Bravo, Scott Sickles. And may we learn before it is too late.

  • Christopher Soucy: Go Knights! (Ten Minute)

    What a delightful story of rejection and determination. Paul has crafted a very real feeling woman in Julie, a character that bristles under the pressure of dashed expectations. So often senior roles are maudlin in their later years, or perfunctory to the plot, but not here. This is a wonderful showcase of senior characters participating in a vibrant life.

    What a delightful story of rejection and determination. Paul has crafted a very real feeling woman in Julie, a character that bristles under the pressure of dashed expectations. So often senior roles are maudlin in their later years, or perfunctory to the plot, but not here. This is a wonderful showcase of senior characters participating in a vibrant life.

  • Christopher Soucy: An Invocation To His Muse

    A breathtaking meditation on what it means to inspire. Be inspired. Serve as a muse, as an artist, as a human being. Aly Kantor has exposed the loneliness that comes from being looked at but never seen. Beautiful. Resonant.

    A breathtaking meditation on what it means to inspire. Be inspired. Serve as a muse, as an artist, as a human being. Aly Kantor has exposed the loneliness that comes from being looked at but never seen. Beautiful. Resonant.

  • Christopher Soucy: Fireflies

    Moody and beautiful. This short script is evocative and penetrating. It cries out to be produced, dripping with ingenious staging. I love the ease in which the audience is immersed in a philosophical meditation on life, death, and beyond.

    Moody and beautiful. This short script is evocative and penetrating. It cries out to be produced, dripping with ingenious staging. I love the ease in which the audience is immersed in a philosophical meditation on life, death, and beyond.

  • Christopher Soucy: Come Dawn

    War is hell. And it makes devils out of men. Worse than the actions taken are the corruptions of the soul. It is often difficult to remember what makes us human in the first place on the battlefield.

    War is hell. And it makes devils out of men. Worse than the actions taken are the corruptions of the soul. It is often difficult to remember what makes us human in the first place on the battlefield.