Recommended by Christopher Soucy

  • Christopher Soucy: Night Witch

    One of the most amazing stories to come out of WW2 is this regiment of female pilots who had the Nazi’s quaking in their boots. I have long had a fascination with the Night Witches, but never have I seen such a well constructed representation of the women who made up that fighting force. George Sapio has delivered a history lesson and a personal testimony in a beautifully rendered one woman show.

    One of the most amazing stories to come out of WW2 is this regiment of female pilots who had the Nazi’s quaking in their boots. I have long had a fascination with the Night Witches, but never have I seen such a well constructed representation of the women who made up that fighting force. George Sapio has delivered a history lesson and a personal testimony in a beautifully rendered one woman show.

  • Christopher Soucy: PAST PERFECT

    Adam Richter exposes the hazards of getting stuck in the past. This clever play lives up to the adage “You can visit the past, but you shouldn’t live there.” Adam Richter gives us a peak at a world of casual magic and mundane curses. I imagine this show would be great to watch!

    Adam Richter exposes the hazards of getting stuck in the past. This clever play lives up to the adage “You can visit the past, but you shouldn’t live there.” Adam Richter gives us a peak at a world of casual magic and mundane curses. I imagine this show would be great to watch!

  • Christopher Soucy: Happy Holidays?

    What a hoot! I can’t imagine the headache of managing wayward holidays, much less whole seasons. Rachel Feeny-Williams gives us a delightful diversion from our holiday fatigue with this delightful play that is charming in all the right ways.

    What a hoot! I can’t imagine the headache of managing wayward holidays, much less whole seasons. Rachel Feeny-Williams gives us a delightful diversion from our holiday fatigue with this delightful play that is charming in all the right ways.

  • Christopher Soucy: The Last Spin Cycle

    Dreams, and the pursuit of them, are the summation of human experience. In the face of fear, pain, loss, and even death, we manage to dream. This quirky and sad comedy gives us a lifetime in a short time. Moving and compelling, DeFrates conjures a sense of desperation tinged with hope. Brava.

    Dreams, and the pursuit of them, are the summation of human experience. In the face of fear, pain, loss, and even death, we manage to dream. This quirky and sad comedy gives us a lifetime in a short time. Moving and compelling, DeFrates conjures a sense of desperation tinged with hope. Brava.

  • Christopher Soucy: Gold Meddlers

    Jinkies! What a fun show! A tongue in cheek look at hero worship and problematic celebrities. For some reason I have a hankering for an oversized sandwich with a canine buddy!

    Jinkies! What a fun show! A tongue in cheek look at hero worship and problematic celebrities. For some reason I have a hankering for an oversized sandwich with a canine buddy!

  • Christopher Soucy: 4 Words of Advice (5 minute play)

    The best advice rings a bell in your heart. And Elisabeth Speckman had my heart ringing so loudly I could barely think. What a wonderful journey of insightful, impactful words. Do yourself a favor and read this play!

    The best advice rings a bell in your heart. And Elisabeth Speckman had my heart ringing so loudly I could barely think. What a wonderful journey of insightful, impactful words. Do yourself a favor and read this play!

  • Christopher Soucy: 4 Words of Advice (5 minute play)

    The best advice rings a bell in your heart. And Elisabeth Speckman had my heart ringing so loudly I could barely think. What a wonderful journey of insightful, impactful words. Do yourself a favor and read this play!

    The best advice rings a bell in your heart. And Elisabeth Speckman had my heart ringing so loudly I could barely think. What a wonderful journey of insightful, impactful words. Do yourself a favor and read this play!

  • Christopher Soucy: CHANGELING

    Monica Cross has sewn together a familiar feeling fairy tale world with a deep and resonant familial woe. This play provides a wonderful metaphor that stretches itself over so many different parent/child dynamics. There is a moment when you look at your grown child and realize that time simply slipped away, like it was stolen, and you furiously try to get the child you remember back. This play evokes that feeling in me.

    Monica Cross has sewn together a familiar feeling fairy tale world with a deep and resonant familial woe. This play provides a wonderful metaphor that stretches itself over so many different parent/child dynamics. There is a moment when you look at your grown child and realize that time simply slipped away, like it was stolen, and you furiously try to get the child you remember back. This play evokes that feeling in me.

  • Christopher Soucy: Faith, Trust and...

    This expansion of Rachel’s short play is a fantastic journey into a noir world inhabited by distorted versions of characters from Peter Pan. It reads like a Dashiell Hammet novel and begs to be fully produced. I am a big fan of Rachel Feeny-Williams, and this play delivers exactly what I’ve come to expect from her work, brilliance.

    This expansion of Rachel’s short play is a fantastic journey into a noir world inhabited by distorted versions of characters from Peter Pan. It reads like a Dashiell Hammet novel and begs to be fully produced. I am a big fan of Rachel Feeny-Williams, and this play delivers exactly what I’ve come to expect from her work, brilliance.

  • Christopher Soucy: A Humble Path [a monologue]

    It is always so satisfying to be surprised by a play. Here, Steven Martin leads us down a humble path to a dark and mysterious turn that I would watch through my fingers as I covered my eyes. Dread followed by sorrow is the result of a true artist at work.

    It is always so satisfying to be surprised by a play. Here, Steven Martin leads us down a humble path to a dark and mysterious turn that I would watch through my fingers as I covered my eyes. Dread followed by sorrow is the result of a true artist at work.