Recommended by Christopher Soucy

  • Christopher Soucy: Auditioning for Godot

    A great short piece brilliantly framed in a homage to the titular Godot. Oftentimes, first meetings in scripts can be trite and forced, but Cole Dzubak weaves a believable and authentic banter that draws you in and paints well developed characters at an intriguing intersection of their lives.

    A great short piece brilliantly framed in a homage to the titular Godot. Oftentimes, first meetings in scripts can be trite and forced, but Cole Dzubak weaves a believable and authentic banter that draws you in and paints well developed characters at an intriguing intersection of their lives.

  • Christopher Soucy: All Roads Lead To Rome?

    Emily McClain had laid out the eternal struggle of spouses and problematic in-laws beautifully in this short play. I was so invested in the characters and was dying to get a peek at them on vacation with the rest of the family. Well rounded, grounded, funny, and poignant, this play is wonderfully full.

    Emily McClain had laid out the eternal struggle of spouses and problematic in-laws beautifully in this short play. I was so invested in the characters and was dying to get a peek at them on vacation with the rest of the family. Well rounded, grounded, funny, and poignant, this play is wonderfully full.

  • Christopher Soucy: Crazy Quilts

    This is a well crafted journey. Amazing what a good quilt can cover up. A treasure trove of characters. A bit of whimsy wrapped around a slightly sinister, but well meaning, group of hobbyists.

    This is a well crafted journey. Amazing what a good quilt can cover up. A treasure trove of characters. A bit of whimsy wrapped around a slightly sinister, but well meaning, group of hobbyists.

  • Christopher Soucy: The Moon in the Sky

    A perfectly paced monologue that drips with moxie. Fanny is most definitely a product of the times and D. Lee Miller captures the feel of the time perfectly. Angst, nostalgia, love all bundled in a nervous feeling of impermanence.

    A perfectly paced monologue that drips with moxie. Fanny is most definitely a product of the times and D. Lee Miller captures the feel of the time perfectly. Angst, nostalgia, love all bundled in a nervous feeling of impermanence.

  • Christopher Soucy: Virgins

    Cold feet means warm heart, right? Scott Delivers another brilliant play with rich characters that leap off the page and feel fully formed in one’s mind. Wedding day doubts are a dime a dozen, but Scott manages to give the bride a welcome freshness and her sister much need gravity.

    Cold feet means warm heart, right? Scott Delivers another brilliant play with rich characters that leap off the page and feel fully formed in one’s mind. Wedding day doubts are a dime a dozen, but Scott manages to give the bride a welcome freshness and her sister much need gravity.

  • Christopher Soucy: Love Shackles

    A short, thrilling piece that puts a new spin on BDSM. The “M” might not be what you think! Kinks and hijinks abound in JACQUELYN FLOYD-PRISKORN’s fun, funny play.

    A short, thrilling piece that puts a new spin on BDSM. The “M” might not be what you think! Kinks and hijinks abound in JACQUELYN FLOYD-PRISKORN’s fun, funny play.

  • Christopher Soucy: Our Lives

    As if I needed another reminder of how fast life goes by. Rachel has woven a tale of intimacy and friendship, mundane betrayals and climatic fantasies, all the things that make a life a life in just twelve pages. Heart breaking and heart warming all at once.

    As if I needed another reminder of how fast life goes by. Rachel has woven a tale of intimacy and friendship, mundane betrayals and climatic fantasies, all the things that make a life a life in just twelve pages. Heart breaking and heart warming all at once.

  • Christopher Soucy: Unreasonable Situations

    I really enjoyed this short play. There is a terrible balancing act between rage and fear when faced with the notion of losing everything that Lindsey Brown illustrates so well in this piece.

    I really enjoyed this short play. There is a terrible balancing act between rage and fear when faced with the notion of losing everything that Lindsey Brown illustrates so well in this piece.

  • Christopher Soucy: Leaving

    A tragedy being undone. This monologue carries the weight of broken expectations, dying love, and surprising hope. The perfect vehicle for an actor to explore. Bravo.

    A tragedy being undone. This monologue carries the weight of broken expectations, dying love, and surprising hope. The perfect vehicle for an actor to explore. Bravo.

  • Christopher Soucy: Euripides, You Buy-a Dese

    Hilarious! Right up there with Mel Brooks and The History of the World Part 1. This short is so packed full of jokes and puns that it’s enough to make your head spin. And as a recovering philosophy major I found it especially rib tickling.

    Hilarious! Right up there with Mel Brooks and The History of the World Part 1. This short is so packed full of jokes and puns that it’s enough to make your head spin. And as a recovering philosophy major I found it especially rib tickling.