Recommended by Marj O'Neill-Butler

  • Fork and Spoon (from the THE WRINKLE RANCH AND OTHER PLAYS ABOUT GROWING OLD collection)
    17 Jun. 2022
    People do make good impressions this quickly and the man and woman in this short play are no exceptions. The jokes are fun and funny and the gentleness between the two is charming. It's as sweet as the pancakes she is about to order.
  • Webster's Bitch (One-Act)
    17 Jun. 2022
    Such an interesting play about language and usage. And the undertone of female bashing is very clever. We should all think before we speak give consequences these days. Thank god for the tequila.
  • The Way You Made Me (a solo show)
    16 Jun. 2022
    At the end of this moving monologue, I wanted to crawl into the little tent that Imogene had created. This piece reeks with yearning and disappointment and love...powerful love. Love that makes you weep to think about. It's wistful and truth telling. Keep writing, Lindsay. Leave the real jobs to others.
  • Her First Thanksgiving
    12 Jun. 2022
    What a wonderful way to remember the past. This monologue describes the way things were for a foreign born wife. As delicious as the Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Hot Coffee
    12 Jun. 2022
    This fun short play doesn't go where you think it might, but to a very romantic place after all. How to spice up your love life in one easy lesson. Brilliant.
  • He Said It With Flowers (MONOLOGUE)
    12 Jun. 2022
    Oops! What if you get a bouquet for Valentine's Day and it's not meant for you. Someone's going to be in big trouble I think.
  • THE GREAT DIVIDE ( a one minute monologue)
    7 Jun. 2022
    A life time in a minute. This spare but luscious short monologue takes you inside a man's life...the one he lived and the one he lives now. Beautiful and sad.
  • Leaving Nic
    5 Jun. 2022
    I've seen a lot of odd characters on stage, but Nic wins hands down. Sue can't let him go, but she's engaged and the one thing Mark, her finacee demands is she has to give up smoking. But addictions very persuasive and hard to break.
  • A Dave with Destiny
    5 Jun. 2022
    Saw a production of this play and it was a delight. A "man meets women" story. They find something in common and then whammy, a real turn about. Good short piece.
  • The Pity Mourner (Ten Minute)
    5 Jun. 2022
    This is a sweet two hander for older actors. An unexpected connection is at the heart of this short play. Hooray for Archie reaching out. And in a funeral parlor to boot!
