Recommended by Eytan Deray

  • The Last Shore Trip
    1 May. 2020
    The feeling of drifting apart from someone who you were once so close with is a painful and universal feeling. Addiction, in the case of this play, makes that pain all the more extraordinary. With "The Last Shore Trip", Dave Osmundsen unloads a lot of baggage in that regard in just 10 minutes. It has beautiful imagery and very natural dialogue. But this play is also an amazing examination of the impacts people we loved (and ached for) can have long after they're gone. Osmundsen never disappoints, and that's the case with "The Last Shore Trip".
  • Born Still
    26 Apr. 2020
    Herrera has a knack for wringing tension and drama out of minimal settings. In "Born Still", confining the main character to her car not only grounds the story, but forces her to face her conflicts and her family members' concerns head-on. The dialogue is also truly natural and smooth. It doesn't feel like dialogue, more like an actual conversation, which is fantastic! Read this one!
  • Hey
    24 Apr. 2020
    Hilarious, quirky, sweet and, in the end, pretty touching! A nice coming-of-age short by Gatton!
    24 Apr. 2020
    The imagery and language in this piece is so effective that you can actually feel and smell and hear everything our protagonist is experiencing. That's a massive achievement for Lermond, and this monologue (which echoes the playful frights of Washington Irving) would be a blast to see performed live!
  • AFTERMATH #1 - (COVID - 19)
    24 Apr. 2020
    A poetic and hopeful short piece that puts a much needed smile on your face.
    24 Apr. 2020
    Clever and relatable, for any actor who has attended a cattle call...Vivian Lermond hits the nail on the head with this very funny monologue!
  • Good Vibrations
    24 Apr. 2020
    Not to be confused with the Beach Boys or Marky Mark...this "Good Vibrations" is an acerbic comedy with an awesome twist at the end. Gets the job done in five easy pages and puts hypocrites and blowhards in their place. Another hit from PMW!
  • Hope
    23 Apr. 2020
    A lovely and, well, hopeful one-minute play! Well done, Greg Hovanesian!
  • Popsicle Kisses
    22 Apr. 2020
    Visually compelling and disturbing with traces of Paula Vogel and David Lindsay-Abaire floating through its poetic dialogue, "Popsicle Kisses" is one of Franky Gonzalez's biggest attention-grabbers. Unique and memorable!
  • The Pitchforks
    22 Apr. 2020
    I'm puzzled and horrified and humored and a million things after reading "The Pitchforks". This is not typical horror at all. In fact, it's not merely horror, which is what makes it a masterpiece. It's supernatural, unashamedly queer, and genre-bending. And, as required, it's scary as hell! Andrew Kramer isn't afraid to reference other classic horror movies and playwrights while still breaking the rules altogether! Tension and satire abound, and it never lets up. This is something else! Way to go, Kramer!
