Recommended by Nora Louise Syran

  • The Adventures of Uta, the Wandering Uterus
    24 Jul. 2024
    Great fun! Wish I'd had this play for my students to read while studying Medea -- they were skeptical and never believed me about the Wandering Uterus theory and the ridiculous claims men have had about women's bodies throughout the centuries...but Moran does it, he takes his (!?) uterus on a literal "road trip" and the results are "hyster"-ical (pun intended)! Favorite line: "Do the testes ever have to deal with this shit?" Brilliant.
  • We'd Rather Know If You Weren't Coming Back
    23 Jul. 2024
    Osmundsen takes us on a contemporary ghost tour which blurs the boundaries of mystery, history, suspense and poetry. Good cyclical storytelling with tales of ghosts throughout. Well-drawn characters, a compelling and empathetic storyline with a satisfying conclusion full of release, promise and... ghosts. Bravo.
  • Black River: A Love Story
    21 Jul. 2024
    Haunting. In just reading BLACK RIVER, I felt swept along with the flow of the poetry of Love's dialogue and imagery which is, for me, so reminiscent of Morrison's "The Bluest Eye" and Meeropol's "Strange Fruit" and would love to see it on stage. This one will stay with me a long time.
  • Tea with Marie (Antoinette)
    8 Jul. 2024
    "If you are a composer, you write music. If you are an actor, you act. If you are a painter, you paint. The world owes you nothing. But you do owe yourself the decency to try "-- wise words from Marie Antoinette; from one woman to another woman across time.
  • The Beatrix Potter Defense Society
    29 Jun. 2024
    Teenage Beatrix Potter has "come to [her] spot to figure out a way to stay at the Lakes - forever." Janine Sobeck Knighton's lovely imagery and dialogue captures the beauty of the Lakes, the humor and joy of Benjamin Bunny and his friends in clogs and coats, the isolation of a young artist and the wisdom of a new friend who will help her see that "it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks." If you adore stories about artists and tales full of magic, this play is for you.
  • Falling Off the Edge (Full Length)
    26 Jun. 2024
    "It’s not rational. It’s also not complicated. It’s a great and simple truth." This, for me, is what sums up Donnelly's lovely, unique rom-com with its beautifully rendered characters and crisp dialogue. There's a time and place for everything and while they don't always align just as we think or hope they will, things work out, especially when we have the courage to face our deepest fears.
  • Becky With The Short Shorts
    23 Jun. 2024
    Cheers, Becky! Go get 'em girl, indeed :) A lovely monologue. Brava.
  • Tucumcari Tonite!
    23 Jun. 2024
    Having just driven through Tucumcari, I was delighted to come across this play. The desert is a dangerous place. And so Williams's tight, fast moving one act begins. Super atmosphere, exposition and, as always with Philip Middleton Williams, crystal clear characterization. Bravo.
  • The Hall of Final Ruin
    23 Jun. 2024
    "The Hall of Final Ruin" is utterly captivating. McBurnette-Andronicos gifts the theatre a dynamic all-female cast that masterfully blends historical authenticity with suspense and humor. This is a theatrical treat on so many levels. Rich characterizations, symbolism, atmosphere... The audience will be squirming uncomfortably as they are inevitably charmed by our guide to the underworld Doña Sebastiana. "To know what is to come, you must first know what is." I think I'll go pour myself a bebida alcohólica.
  • A Grove, Again
    20 Jun. 2024
    A perfectly shaped puzzle-piece of a play. In a world, like a dark forest where we have lost our way, Gatton is here to help guide us. There is pain. There is loss. But there is also selfless giving and the hope of finding what's lost to complete and free us from this puzzle, again.
