Recommended by John Busser

  • Chin Up, Head Down
    28 Feb. 2020
    While reading this, I was struck how the two versions of the fight were seen (and justified) by the participants. What exactly is the real truth? I have a feeling that all the viral videos in the world won't answer that definitively, and Colleen O'Doherty's play perfectly encapsulated this. The point of view (on both sides here) takes on a dangerous slant in getting to the core of what really happens in any story. Well done.
  • 2 + 1 = MURDER, a 10m noir comedy
    28 Feb. 2020
    A playwright (CJ Ehrlich) leaves a play on NPX that reads at 100 MPH. Another playwright (me) reads the play at 50 MPH stopping to marvel at all the amazing puns and quips. At what point will the laughs (LOL) end? Solving for (LOL), I'd say not till the last page. And for those who say you can't learn something from a silly play, read this little gem. All things being equal, this one adds up to be a winner.
  • Two-Timing Loaf of Bread
    28 Feb. 2020
    From the moment I read the title, I knew this was a winner. An amazing premise for a love story gone horribly funny. This is, dare I say it, a bread-winner!
  • Outpost
    28 Feb. 2020
    The final stand of the human race becomes, not a battle against overwhelming odds, but a love story. Scott Sickles' play is tender in it's telling but thrilling in it's execution. I was on the edge of my seat hoping Sam and Dale (and let's face it, I wanted Computer to make it as well) would find a way to overcome the creeping menace, or at least escape to live another day. I'm glad that the author lets the audience supply it's own ending to this tale of literal star-crossed lovers.
  • Stick
    25 Feb. 2020
    An office comedy that takes an idea we've ALL had and runs with it in a way we all WISH we'd have thought of. Mr. Gill has a singular wit that I wholeheartedly identify with. I think audiences would be both laughing and shrieking at the audacity of this premise.
  • Top Shelf Tolstoy
    24 Feb. 2020
    What an inspired premise! I love reading something that hits me out of left field like this play did. I'd love seeing this produced even more. It appeals to the absurdist in me.
  • Options
    18 Feb. 2020
    I got a nice little laugh from the punchline of this one minute eye-opener. Would love to see this snuck into a 10 minute play festival, just for fun.
  • State
    18 Feb. 2020
    What a nice little reminder that despite the wrapping, inside we're a lot more alike than we think. A street seller and a minister are both working the same side of the train car. Their methods may be slightly different, but they both exist to sell something. I liked Ken Green's slice of life piece here. I could relate to both sides of this particular coin. He's sold me on this play!
  • Bulletproof Love
    11 Feb. 2020
    What a ride this play was! So simple and yet dazzlingly complex in what it had to say about human interaction. I was stunned at what I learned about the characters. I want these to be real people. Hell, they ARE real people to me now. Someone should produce this so audiences can meet them the way they should be experienced. Scott Sickles has written something beautiful here.
  • #2. (A 10-minute comedy)
    7 Feb. 2020
    I laughed multiple times out loud at the clever wording in William Downs comedy of etiquette. "There's a lot of information there!" may be the funniest thing I've read all week! I'm not brave enough to tackle this side of the process in my writing (although I've more plays involving peeing than I probably should), but I'm certainly glad Mr. Downs was. This is some hilarious sh*t.
