This play is so brilliantly crafted. The dialogue is some of the most natural dialogue I've encountered in a long while, and it is all about intelligence. How everyone is intelligent in different ways. And not in the "we're all special" kind of way, but how everyone reaches the answers to the same question via different mental paths. Art, music, math, athletics, they're all connected. And to say one has less value than another is just, like, wrong. This should be performed for educators!!
This play is so brilliantly crafted. The dialogue is some of the most natural dialogue I've encountered in a long while, and it is all about intelligence. How everyone is intelligent in different ways. And not in the "we're all special" kind of way, but how everyone reaches the answers to the same question via different mental paths. Art, music, math, athletics, they're all connected. And to say one has less value than another is just, like, wrong. This should be performed for educators!!