Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: be mean to me

    Oh hey. Sofya Levitsky-Weitz wrote a play about my best friend from high school and me. There's so much universality within the specificity here of the things young women struggle with in their teens and 20s, and I love how the story toggles back and forth in time between Jean and Meril at 17 and 27. It's a wonderful study of two girls trying to make it to adulthood unscathed, the things that haunt them, and how easy it is to be casually cruel to the ones you love the most. So great!

    Oh hey. Sofya Levitsky-Weitz wrote a play about my best friend from high school and me. There's so much universality within the specificity here of the things young women struggle with in their teens and 20s, and I love how the story toggles back and forth in time between Jean and Meril at 17 and 27. It's a wonderful study of two girls trying to make it to adulthood unscathed, the things that haunt them, and how easy it is to be casually cruel to the ones you love the most. So great!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Judas Iscariot's Day Off

    This short is great. Judas gets one day off every thousand years, and he’s using this one to lawyer up and get out of the 9th circle of hell for good. I appreciated that there’s a little bit of ‘Who is this guy? Is this a joke?’ but the play doesn’t dwell there, instead moving on to the justice Judas seeks, why he thinks he deserves it, and how God tries to stop it. I’m a sucker for funny plays featuring folks from the Bible, and this is a delightful one.

    This short is great. Judas gets one day off every thousand years, and he’s using this one to lawyer up and get out of the 9th circle of hell for good. I appreciated that there’s a little bit of ‘Who is this guy? Is this a joke?’ but the play doesn’t dwell there, instead moving on to the justice Judas seeks, why he thinks he deserves it, and how God tries to stop it. I’m a sucker for funny plays featuring folks from the Bible, and this is a delightful one.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: You May Have 6

    This is a clever concept, hilariously executed. Roger - newly deceased - was able to choose 6 people to have with him in the afterlife. He chose quickly, not quite understanding what was going on, and his afterlife begins chaotically to say the least. I loved watching all the characters interact and learning who they all were in relation to each other. This is a funny, poignant play. It's sad at times, but also I found it comforting to know that in DC Cathro's universe, even after death we still have opportunities for self-improvement.

    This is a clever concept, hilariously executed. Roger - newly deceased - was able to choose 6 people to have with him in the afterlife. He chose quickly, not quite understanding what was going on, and his afterlife begins chaotically to say the least. I loved watching all the characters interact and learning who they all were in relation to each other. This is a funny, poignant play. It's sad at times, but also I found it comforting to know that in DC Cathro's universe, even after death we still have opportunities for self-improvement.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: It Came From Beneath the Far Right

    I thoroughly enjoyed this. John Busser never disappoints, and this short play is fabulous. Lots of funny, smart dialogue and enough wordplay to delight any/all middle-aged dads. A delightful 10 minute play about the horror story we're all trapped inside.

    I thoroughly enjoyed this. John Busser never disappoints, and this short play is fabulous. Lots of funny, smart dialogue and enough wordplay to delight any/all middle-aged dads. A delightful 10 minute play about the horror story we're all trapped inside.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: They Bumped the Lantern Over Just Before the Play Began

    Oh my gosh. This short play takes place entirely in the dark, and the sounds are perfection. It gets creepier and creepier as it goes along. What a wild experience this would be to “see” live. A perfect, spooky, claustrophobic little play.

    Oh my gosh. This short play takes place entirely in the dark, and the sounds are perfection. It gets creepier and creepier as it goes along. What a wild experience this would be to “see” live. A perfect, spooky, claustrophobic little play.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Ten Minutes 'til Christmas!

    This is a delight. Every Christmas movie trope is squeezed into 10 minutes, and the writing is SO smart and funny. Like, really fantastic. It’s very hard to choose, but I think my favorite touch is how whenever the man gets a call from his boss, he barely pauses to listen before relaying a lengthy description of what the boss said to the woman. What a blast this play would be for a pair of actors - and for an audience.

    This is a delight. Every Christmas movie trope is squeezed into 10 minutes, and the writing is SO smart and funny. Like, really fantastic. It’s very hard to choose, but I think my favorite touch is how whenever the man gets a call from his boss, he barely pauses to listen before relaying a lengthy description of what the boss said to the woman. What a blast this play would be for a pair of actors - and for an audience.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Which Way the Wind Blows

    This play is great. It deals with the strength of childhood bonds, the way the past never completely sets us free, and how many of our decisions fall in a morally gray area - with great roles for older actors to boot.

    This play is great. It deals with the strength of childhood bonds, the way the past never completely sets us free, and how many of our decisions fall in a morally gray area - with great roles for older actors to boot.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Bottoming Process

    Wow, this play is great. It's a love story, but it's also about racism and power dynamics and the creative process. I would go from giggling as I read to squirming and back again, and I'm going to be thinking about this one all night.

    Wow, this play is great. It's a love story, but it's also about racism and power dynamics and the creative process. I would go from giggling as I read to squirming and back again, and I'm going to be thinking about this one all night.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Right-Justified

    Okay, so, I love this. There are no small parts, not even stage directions. Especially stage directions. This 10 minute piece would be a blast to watch, and probably even more fun to perform.

    Okay, so, I love this. There are no small parts, not even stage directions. Especially stage directions. This 10 minute piece would be a blast to watch, and probably even more fun to perform.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: THE JOYS OF CHRISTMAS (Monologue)

    This monologue would be a breath of fresh air in a holiday-themed show, because I guarantee there would be nothing else in the line up like it. I really enjoyed it.

    This monologue would be a breath of fresh air in a holiday-themed show, because I guarantee there would be nothing else in the line up like it. I really enjoyed it.