Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Pinnacle Hill

    I love how natural the dialogue is in this monologue, as Amanda interrupts her own story with asides and non sequiturs as we all do, especially when nervous. That nervous energy is captured so sweetly here. Such a great monologue.

    I love how natural the dialogue is in this monologue, as Amanda interrupts her own story with asides and non sequiturs as we all do, especially when nervous. That nervous energy is captured so sweetly here. Such a great monologue.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Life During Maritime: A Zoom monologue for a whale

    This monologue (for an orca! too much fun!) is silly on the surface, but sad underneath. Luna is happy to be fed and kept company by humans, but he hasn't seen his pod in a long time and he's afraid to go looking for them on his own. The play touches on the consequences of what we're doing to our oceans and the interconnectedness of all life on earth. You get the sense that Luna is trying to make the most of bad situation. Sad sentiments delivered in an upbeat way always feel the saddest. Such a great piece.

    This monologue (for an orca! too much fun!) is silly on the surface, but sad underneath. Luna is happy to be fed and kept company by humans, but he hasn't seen his pod in a long time and he's afraid to go looking for them on his own. The play touches on the consequences of what we're doing to our oceans and the interconnectedness of all life on earth. You get the sense that Luna is trying to make the most of bad situation. Sad sentiments delivered in an upbeat way always feel the saddest. Such a great piece.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Last Laugh

    This short play about two comedians - one at the end of a failed career, one at the beginning of a (possibly) bright one - is surprisingly touching. I especially enjoyed the ending, as well as the nature vs nurture musings throughout.

    This short play about two comedians - one at the end of a failed career, one at the beginning of a (possibly) bright one - is surprisingly touching. I especially enjoyed the ending, as well as the nature vs nurture musings throughout.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Flight of Fancy

    This sweet short about a human who gets an upgrade and a robot who needs one has a nice message in it. It would be a fun two-hander for a pair of actors, easy to stage, and cheap to produce, since the props are all pantomimed. It would be a clever, original piece for a night of shorts.

    This sweet short about a human who gets an upgrade and a robot who needs one has a nice message in it. It would be a fun two-hander for a pair of actors, easy to stage, and cheap to produce, since the props are all pantomimed. It would be a clever, original piece for a night of shorts.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Obitu-WOW-y

    The monologue is adorable! Greta is writing her obituary with a few... embellishments. This would be such a fun piece for an older actor to play with.

    The monologue is adorable! Greta is writing her obituary with a few... embellishments. This would be such a fun piece for an older actor to play with.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Masks Up (A ZOOM Play)

    This short Zoom comedy pushing back on the Methodist Church's views on homosexuality is great. I loved watching the three women gang up on the pastor, and I especially enjoyed the depiction of two church ladies trying to push for change from inside the church, rather than how it's typically depicted, with people outside the church trying to push change in. Despite the topic, the play is very funny. If you're looking for a Zoom play, this is a great one.

    This short Zoom comedy pushing back on the Methodist Church's views on homosexuality is great. I loved watching the three women gang up on the pastor, and I especially enjoyed the depiction of two church ladies trying to push for change from inside the church, rather than how it's typically depicted, with people outside the church trying to push change in. Despite the topic, the play is very funny. If you're looking for a Zoom play, this is a great one.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Quack

    We all know of actors who really, REALLY immerse themselves as they prepare for a role. This short play focuses on the significant other forced to deal with the eccentricities of their method. It is clever and funny, with two great roles for women and a fun challenge for a man to mine a slew of different ways to deliver the word 'quack.'

    We all know of actors who really, REALLY immerse themselves as they prepare for a role. This short play focuses on the significant other forced to deal with the eccentricities of their method. It is clever and funny, with two great roles for women and a fun challenge for a man to mine a slew of different ways to deliver the word 'quack.'

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Most Spectacularly Lamentable Trial of Miz Martha Washington

    I love this. The hypocrisy and complexity of America's beginnings are presented so vibrantly, theatrically, and refreshingly. What a wonderful piece.

    I love this. The hypocrisy and complexity of America's beginnings are presented so vibrantly, theatrically, and refreshingly. What a wonderful piece.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: For a Limited Time Only (The Bread Play)

    I adore the things Daniel Prillaman's mind churns out. A humorous situation turns horrifying as Arlo and Val realize that the Italian Garden Factory's unlimited bread deal is truly unlimited. I especially loved the little vignettes showing the passage of time and the ending - the whole time I was wondering how on earth this story could possibly end, and it turns out the answer is: perfectly. (And as a person who is no longer able to eat bread, this play helps me feel less upset about it. You guys, there is SO MUCH bread. Everywhere. What a stage picture.)

    I adore the things Daniel Prillaman's mind churns out. A humorous situation turns horrifying as Arlo and Val realize that the Italian Garden Factory's unlimited bread deal is truly unlimited. I especially loved the little vignettes showing the passage of time and the ending - the whole time I was wondering how on earth this story could possibly end, and it turns out the answer is: perfectly. (And as a person who is no longer able to eat bread, this play helps me feel less upset about it. You guys, there is SO MUCH bread. Everywhere. What a stage picture.)

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: So Panic

    Oh my goodness, what a tour de force this play is! Cassidy Byron's play about a young man with anxiety and depression and the girlfriend who tries to help him without losing herself in the process is such a perfect depiction of how mental health issues affect not only those who suffer from them, but those who love those who suffer from them as well. This play is beautiful and devastating.

    Oh my goodness, what a tour de force this play is! Cassidy Byron's play about a young man with anxiety and depression and the girlfriend who tries to help him without losing herself in the process is such a perfect depiction of how mental health issues affect not only those who suffer from them, but those who love those who suffer from them as well. This play is beautiful and devastating.