Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: What Did You Think Of Me?

    This short piece about a pair of college roommates with little in common takes you on a journey as they smoke pot and get veeery honest with each other. The twists and turns flow naturally, and the resolution is sweet. This would be a great play for a pair of young actors, as they have both comedy and drama to work with and mine.

    This short piece about a pair of college roommates with little in common takes you on a journey as they smoke pot and get veeery honest with each other. The twists and turns flow naturally, and the resolution is sweet. This would be a great play for a pair of young actors, as they have both comedy and drama to work with and mine.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Tiger Beat

    This play is about racism, sexism, artistic freedom, and feeling comfortable being yourself. It also has songs. And jokes. And a surprising ending that I didn't see coming. And despite the many heavy topics it deals with, "Tiger Beat" maintains a bubblegum pop lightness, which makes the betrayals and awful remarks cut deeper when they occur. It's a great play.

    This play is about racism, sexism, artistic freedom, and feeling comfortable being yourself. It also has songs. And jokes. And a surprising ending that I didn't see coming. And despite the many heavy topics it deals with, "Tiger Beat" maintains a bubblegum pop lightness, which makes the betrayals and awful remarks cut deeper when they occur. It's a great play.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Good Guy with a Gun

    “We shouldn’t have to keep track of gun owners like they’re criminals or car owners.” What I love about this 10 min play is how sharp and funny it is, despite the fact that it was written in rage and horror. I am definitely the choir this play is preaching to, and it makes me feel less alone. I’m a big fan of hiding your lecture in humor, like a heartworm pill in cheese, and this play does it very successfully.

    “We shouldn’t have to keep track of gun owners like they’re criminals or car owners.” What I love about this 10 min play is how sharp and funny it is, despite the fact that it was written in rage and horror. I am definitely the choir this play is preaching to, and it makes me feel less alone. I’m a big fan of hiding your lecture in humor, like a heartworm pill in cheese, and this play does it very successfully.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: So You Want To Create A Universe?

    I read this 10 min piece for the title, and it was delightful. I was expecting it to be funny - and it was - but it also got quite deep at times. With a very simple set and only two actors, this would be an easy play to stage, and it would definitely stand out in an evening of shorts.

    I read this 10 min piece for the title, and it was delightful. I was expecting it to be funny - and it was - but it also got quite deep at times. With a very simple set and only two actors, this would be an easy play to stage, and it would definitely stand out in an evening of shorts.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Above the Fold

    Centered around the real-life investigation into the death of theater star Evelyn Hoey, "Above the Fold" delves into how sensationalism sells newspapers, how the narrative is controlled by those with money, and how much harder women have to work to be taken half as seriously as men. I loved the fast-paced dialogue, and the ending was perfect.

    Centered around the real-life investigation into the death of theater star Evelyn Hoey, "Above the Fold" delves into how sensationalism sells newspapers, how the narrative is controlled by those with money, and how much harder women have to work to be taken half as seriously as men. I loved the fast-paced dialogue, and the ending was perfect.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Florida Man

    Oh, Florida Man. Why are you the way you are? And why can we not get enough of you? This one minute play is a fun send up to Florida Men everywhere (well, everywhere in Florida), and manages to make a big comment about American society in a tiny span of time.

    Oh, Florida Man. Why are you the way you are? And why can we not get enough of you? This one minute play is a fun send up to Florida Men everywhere (well, everywhere in Florida), and manages to make a big comment about American society in a tiny span of time.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Understudy Jesus

    Costumers are trying to hold the show together as their passion play approaches the dress rehearsal. I like that this play is about the theater, but also about losing and finding faith, and how theater can help make you whole again after tragedy. The dialogue is quick and funny, and I especially loved all the actors being referred to by only their characters' names.

    Costumers are trying to hold the show together as their passion play approaches the dress rehearsal. I like that this play is about the theater, but also about losing and finding faith, and how theater can help make you whole again after tragedy. The dialogue is quick and funny, and I especially loved all the actors being referred to by only their characters' names.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: 8 Aunt Marys - a 1 minute monologue for a teen girl

    The teenage angst!! This monologue takes me back to those days of over-analyzing, spiraling out, and worrying yourself into an absolute state over what your boyfriend's radio silence means. It's exhausting - but Jackie is adorable. What a fun monologue for a teenage performer.

    The teenage angst!! This monologue takes me back to those days of over-analyzing, spiraling out, and worrying yourself into an absolute state over what your boyfriend's radio silence means. It's exhausting - but Jackie is adorable. What a fun monologue for a teenage performer.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Another True Ghost Story

    Oh my gosh, I would read a hundred of these. Just pop them like candy. A night of ghost stories, please. Christopher Soucy knows how to tell a story.

    Oh my gosh, I would read a hundred of these. Just pop them like candy. A night of ghost stories, please. Christopher Soucy knows how to tell a story.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: A True Ghost Story

    I'm a sucker for a good ghost story (in the daytime). This one draws you in and holds your attention as more and more gets revealed about the ghost - and Dorothy. The use of a narrator makes it feel like you're being told a ghost story around a fire or at a sleepover or some other place where ghost stories are shared. Satisfyingly spooky!

    I'm a sucker for a good ghost story (in the daytime). This one draws you in and holds your attention as more and more gets revealed about the ghost - and Dorothy. The use of a narrator makes it feel like you're being told a ghost story around a fire or at a sleepover or some other place where ghost stories are shared. Satisfyingly spooky!