Recommended by Jack Levine

  • That Kiss
    8 Oct. 2020
    DC CATHO’s play, ‘That Kiss’, takes a slightly mixed-up bride to a former female classmate’s house, unannounced and unexpected, and a fascinating conversation takes place. Who’s straight; who’s not. Can a kiss by two female actors in a play make supposedly two straight females into lesbians? I found the dialogue to be witty, engaging, and best of all, thoroughly entertaining. A fun play to read and one I would like to see performed.
  • Casting
    8 Oct. 2020
    JACQUELYN FLOYD-PRISKORN has written a farcical comedy, which I found fascinating - handling the delicate topics of self-worth and overweight, having a cast of 5 in a very short play, and poking fun at preconceived attitudes. I simply love reading plays by JACQUELYN FLOYD-PRISKORN. She never disappoints. BRAVO!
  • Fourth Grade Girl Pact
    8 Oct. 2020
    JESSICA CHAPMAN’s ‘Fourth Grade Girl Pact’ is a delightful play of two friends, who face challenges not unlike other teenage friends, only in this play, you will laugh out loud and reminisce if you were blessed with daughters. A play worth reading and performing.
  • You Can Bake! (a short Zoom play)
    8 Oct. 2020
    ANDREA APTECKER takes a simple task of making an angel food cake in a cooking class to the heights of the absurd in a fun and witty made-for-Zoom production. You will laugh and enjoy the experience. I recommend YOU CAN BAKE! (A SHORT ZOOM PLAY).
  • Stick
    7 Oct. 2020
    MAXIMILLIAN GILL takes a common phrase of derision ("stick it up your a--") and turns it upside-down, so to speak. Anybody who has had an abusive boss wants to do just that. But need to read this play and find out that there's something more to what you would think is the meaning of the phrase. Good work!
  • 38 Cookies, 39 Reasons [a monologue]
    7 Oct. 2020
    I have read books on overeating, heard lectures on why it's important to eat healthy, and been told by my doctor it wouldn't hurt to lose a few pounds (or more). Our society often shames overweight people. STEVEN G. MARTIN uses his wit to write a play for all of us that have fought to stay slim and trim. I think even the slim-folks will find this play to be wonderful.
  • That Kind of Boy [a 1-minute play]
    7 Oct. 2020
    STEVEN G. MARTIN'S one-minute play, "That Kind of Boy", is a wonderful way of exposing the quick-to-judge assumptions we can erroneously make. I smiled when the 'twist' came, because it's just the type of play I would love a lot of people, young and old, to read or see performed. BRAVO, Mr. Martin!
  • Hell Job
    5 Oct. 2020
    I have been in many job interviews, some as the hiring person and some as the interviewee. I thought I had ‘seen it all’. Well, so much for that assumption. JACQUELYN FLOYD-PRISKORN has imaged one of the most interesting interviews. The title of ‘HELL JOB’ tells you a lot. I love the witty dialogue. Bravo to a fun play.
  • Favorite Son
    5 Oct. 2020
    PHILIP MIDDLETON WILLIAMS’ play, ‘FAVORITE SON’, is a play of sibling rivalry and father-sons relationships. When their father is on his deathbed, two brothers talk about what they need to do to settle their father’s affairs. But the undercurrents of who is the favorite and past hurts and anxieties are revealed. In this short play, the genius and fine writing of Philip Middleton Williams is on display. This is a must read.
  • Hello?
    4 Oct. 2020
    Fasten your seatbelt. Keep your phone nearby to call for help. Say you don’t believe in ghosts. Count to one hundred to get calm. It won’t help! JACQUELYN FLOYD-PRISKORN has written a great play for this time of the year - or anytime you fancy a good ghost story. A very enjoyable short play!
