A lost necklace, a not-so-stealthy heist, and a pet skull named Elbert...?
Yes, yes, and yes!
"A Change of Heart" is a delightful comedy that at the heart of it centers an unbreakable female friendship. Madison Sedlor has written a story that is both deeply real and amusing, using strong characters like Christina, who is the ultimate paragon of best friendship.
I've had the pleasure of getting to direct this play, and it's a treat on-par with a bloomin' onion.
Whether you choose to read it or lease it for performance, this play is an enjoyable adventure for all.
A lost necklace, a not-so-stealthy heist, and a pet skull named Elbert...?
Yes, yes, and yes!
"A Change of Heart" is a delightful comedy that at the heart of it centers an unbreakable female friendship. Madison Sedlor has written a story that is both deeply real and amusing, using strong characters like Christina, who is the ultimate paragon of best friendship.
I've had the pleasure of getting to direct this play, and it's a treat on-par with a bloomin' onion.
Whether you choose to read it or lease it for performance, this play is an enjoyable adventure for all.