Recommended by Rachel Feeny-Williams

  • Come in for Coffee?
    17 Feb. 2022
    Chris has done it again! A fairly standard scenario, the end of a date, the guy thinks he's getting lucky and then he swirls it into a tornado of hilarious chaos and coffee beans! The flit back and fourth between flirtation and passionate fascination between the two character is brilliantly done. You find yourself feeling sorry for Ian (even if he is a bit full of himself) but then you want to know more about Cathy's obsession with coffee. Its a wonderfully funny journey that will have you giggling from start to finish, as well as appreciating coffee, of course!
  • No Theater Critics Were Harmed in the Writing of this Play
    17 Feb. 2022
    A perfect example of how writers take the events in their lives and when we can't fix/address it, we writer about it. I now what to see the play that the writer writes as a result. Nora expertly frames the idea of how people can be almost neurotic about being judged and paranoid of what other people think of them. Its brilliantly done and is one of those pieces that stands on its own but could also be brilliantly expanded!
  • I'm f*cking tired of writing plays about this
    17 Feb. 2022
    They say that when you reach the end of a play and all you can hear is silence, that's when a piece has resonated with an audience. Well, when I got to the end of this piece I just sat there, and then I read the final speech again and all I could think of how much emotion something like this took out of the writer. This is a piece of strength, of inspiration and of passion and it forces the audience to 'deal with' what its truly about. Its a piece for change and its brilliantly done.
  • How to Quit Writing
    17 Feb. 2022
    I could so relate to the "I don’t know, I just kind of like it." in Joe's play. The journey writers take when trying to create work involves different steps and a different approach. Joe has portrayed those differences brilliantly in his characters here. I enjoyed discovering a bit of my own persona in each of the different writers and that kind of relatability is easy to do in this piece. You'll see this piece and want to know the answer to the ultimate question, 'can a writer REALLY quit writing?' Its marvellously done.
  • An Absence In Writing
    17 Feb. 2022
    There are so many writers out there who will feel for 'playwright' as he desperately tries to turn his ideas into a reality. Jonathan expertly explores the creative process with this is piece and conjures up some wonderful imagery for the audience as they travel with the actor through his creativity, desperation and in the end....well you will just have to read it and find out, but you definitely should.
  • CLAIREVOYANT [10-Minute Play]
    15 Feb. 2022
    The juxtaposition of the way the two characters feel about their relationship is beautifully created here. This piece will have the audience empathising as Claire talks about Brett's failures in their relationship. Nathan has presented the audience with a great snapshot of a relationship and at the same time he's given it an wonderfully original spin by adding the mysticism of the occult and fate. Its truly a conversation I never pictured a couple having and that intrigue is what will have audiences flock to it!
  • Bottle Episode
    15 Feb. 2022
    Awwww! This is such a beautiful and heart breaking piece. Maximillian has brought to life a character that audiences can feel for in the most unlikely of places. As you watch you keep hoping and wanting Bottle to make it to a recycling bin. Its a great piece with a lovely underlining message. It would make a great piece for festivals, either staged or short film!
  • Something Borrowed...
    15 Feb. 2022
    Another brilliantly witty piece from John! He's captured the rivalry between two sisters perfectly and just when you think you know which is which he throws in a classic curve ball. Its a lovely piece that covers the complexity of sibling relationships as well as how they affect other relationships. I think the audience will be wondering if Rachel will ever get her 'borrowed' stuff back. Its a play that needs to be performed to allow the inevitable laughs and conversations to be had.
  • Take It Or Leave It
    14 Feb. 2022
    I LOVE the idea of the "Take it or Leave it Shed". In a world where we produce a lot of waste its nice to see a play that explores other options. The way the idea of recycling and helping out spreads from the well meaning Angie and Art to the youth character is a great snapshot of what life could be if we all had this way of looking at things. I love the way Jacquelyn creates pieces that can make you smile, think and in this case, want to be a better person. I love it!
  • 5 Golden Rings
    14 Feb. 2022
    As I read this piece I could see myself being stood at a Christmas party and watching this woman terrify this poor bloke with her talk of weddings, rings, honeymoons and breast surgery! Being part of this woman's chaotic thinking I was bewildered in the best possible way. She's a brilliantly created character with a truly original voice and unique train (or potentially derailed train) of thought and I think she'd be a great challenge for any actress.
