Recommended by Rachel Feeny-Williams

  • Baba Mikey
    3 Mar. 2022
    Chris! You mean person! In this piece Chris has exposed raw emotion in bucket loads and I could not help but shed tears for this poor father and his sleeping son, who has no idea what is going on. This would be such a powerful piece for an audition or for an actor looking for a beautifully moving and devastatingly tragic piece. It won't fail to move an audience!
    24 Feb. 2022
    I'll never look at my computer in the same way again! As a writer, we do form a particular bond to our computer our work is stored on and to lose it, is just the most tragic circumstances. Cam has captured this feeling perfectly as playwright says a sensitive and emotional goodbye to Harrison after eight years of loyal service. Its a touching and heart breaking play that will resonate for anyone who has worked with a computer for many years. A truly wonderful concept, brilliantly done.
  • Permission
    24 Feb. 2022
    On finishing my read of this piece I gave an out loud "Aw!". While "Permission" does have the tough subject of loss at its core, Bruce has brilliantly created a lovely couple, who, while separated by death they still have a great deal of care for each other. The soft and delicate nature of their relationship, coupled with the humorous dialogue makes this a wonderful piece to read and I think could easily be expanded into a full length piece. That being said, as with all the work of Bruce's I've read, its wonderfully done!
  • Attack of the Space Nymphos From Uranus
    23 Feb. 2022
    "Gee willikers!" is a fabulous phrase that I can't thank Bill Arnold enough for bringing back into my life! The concept of this play is brilliantly funny and the dialogue itself more than supports the brilliant synopsis! Science fiction and humour have been slammed together and have created the wonderful world depicted in this piece. The true genius of Bill's imagination in creating a stream of wonderful characters is shown in spades in this piece. I heartily recommend giving this piece a chance as it will have your audiences giggling from the very beginning!
  • Hiccups
    23 Feb. 2022
    When I started reading this piece I didn't know a great deal about OCD but Ben guides his audience through this world expertly and he does it in what can be the difficult format of a one man show. Its wonderfully written and educates the audience on the world of mental healthcare. It informs, it entertains and it inspires emotions. Each of these on their own make great theatre but for Ben to create a piece that does all three, is just brilliant. If given the right performers, it would be marvellous to watch!
    22 Feb. 2022
    Relationships are always complicated, we all know that, but Asher and his wonderful 20 something present a whole new perspective on just how complicated sex and relationships can be. Asher has a great skill in creating wonderfully complex characters and (for me at least) leave you wanting to know more about their story that has led to this moment and "Fuck Buddy" is a prime example of that. Will definitely be reading the 2nd one! If you're looking for a powerful and entertaining monologue then this is a perfect example.
  • Sugar on My Fingers
    22 Feb. 2022
    I found myself held by this woman's story, not only by what she saw but by what she has been seeing for some time. Domestic violence is, tragically part of some peoples lives and Arthur has brilliantly portrayed the agony that exits for those on the outside looking in, the want to say something and the desire to offer help. That moment when someone makes a decision to be brave and ask the question that no one has been able to ask so far, that is what the writer has captured, making this a powerful and heart breaking piece.
  • Fable Group
    22 Feb. 2022
    Twists on fairy stories have been done many different ways but this very much intrigued me, right from the synopsis. From there, as the story unfolded and the fairy tale characters revealed more and more about their troubles, it became more interesting as well as funny, which escalates through the chaos to the startling 'real' ending. Its a truly new an unique twist on what fairy tale characters have had to put up with and it deserves a production so audiences can appreciate it.
  • Hot Blood Sundae
    22 Feb. 2022
    This is a brilliant 'no holds barred' conversation between two women about what sex and bring in a relationship means to them. The back and forth between them were topics blend from one into the next makes for some brilliantly funny but insightful dialogue. Aly's ability to write this honestly is truly wonderful and personally, I think we all need to howl once in a while!
  • Everything They've Told You
    22 Feb. 2022
    "Everything they've told you" is a brilliant commentary about the danger and fragility of fame. I know they say that no publicity is bad publicity but as I read the heartfelt pleas from the various people in Johnny's life I really did want him to just make an appearance and be ok. But, in typically wonderful fashion, Alice holds the audience in the palm of her hand as you are desperate to know about the well being of the central character, despite everything you've been told. A wonderful piece full of emotion that leaves you desperate for more!
