Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: The Congressman

    Jessica Feder-Birnbaum provides an unsettling look at how abusive behavior from a man in power is often swept under the carpet rather than confronted openly. Hopefully this play will have a wider audience and encourage women and men to speak up in such situations.

    Jessica Feder-Birnbaum provides an unsettling look at how abusive behavior from a man in power is often swept under the carpet rather than confronted openly. Hopefully this play will have a wider audience and encourage women and men to speak up in such situations.

  • Morey Norkin: St. John of Suburbia

    Stunning in its creativity and originality. Quirky, engaging characters tell (often directly to us) a tale of young love and the insecurities that come with it, and the desire to tell a story on one’s own terms. John Patrick Bray has done just that. A marvel!

    Stunning in its creativity and originality. Quirky, engaging characters tell (often directly to us) a tale of young love and the insecurities that come with it, and the desire to tell a story on one’s own terms. John Patrick Bray has done just that. A marvel!

  • Morey Norkin: Taken to School

    In TAKEN TO SCHOOL, John Busser cleverly shows that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. On a ride to school, a father tries to teach his teenage son a lesson about life. Turns out the son has a thing or two to teach dear old dad. There’s nothing quite like a story of father and son bonding from the mind of John Busser! And if you know John’s brilliant work, that should tell you everything you need to know!

    In TAKEN TO SCHOOL, John Busser cleverly shows that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. On a ride to school, a father tries to teach his teenage son a lesson about life. Turns out the son has a thing or two to teach dear old dad. There’s nothing quite like a story of father and son bonding from the mind of John Busser! And if you know John’s brilliant work, that should tell you everything you need to know!

  • Morey Norkin: Tooth Or Dare

    Don’t mess with the Tooth Fairy! This is a funny and creepy look at a childhood magical being who readily admits that parents do the actual work but still expects great online reviews. I give TOOTH OR DARE five stars of my own free will.

    Don’t mess with the Tooth Fairy! This is a funny and creepy look at a childhood magical being who readily admits that parents do the actual work but still expects great online reviews. I give TOOTH OR DARE five stars of my own free will.

  • Morey Norkin: The Girl in the Mirror

    I wasn’t expecting goosebumps at the beginning, but by the end… whoa! A great acting opportunity for two young women and for a special effects designer. This would be quite exciting to see on stage.

    I wasn’t expecting goosebumps at the beginning, but by the end… whoa! A great acting opportunity for two young women and for a special effects designer. This would be quite exciting to see on stage.

  • Morey Norkin: Don't Let Them See You

    Assimilation to a certain degree is to be expected when entering a new culture. But as Christopher Soucy shows in this moving monologue, when bigotry and discrimination enter the picture, the desire to fit in often comes at a high price. In the speaker’s case, obsession with overachieving and suppressing his own culture. And although this may lead to personal achievement, it can also lead to new stereotyping. Soucy’s monologue perfectly captures the unfairness and frustration of being the “other.” This absolutely should be seen.

    Assimilation to a certain degree is to be expected when entering a new culture. But as Christopher Soucy shows in this moving monologue, when bigotry and discrimination enter the picture, the desire to fit in often comes at a high price. In the speaker’s case, obsession with overachieving and suppressing his own culture. And although this may lead to personal achievement, it can also lead to new stereotyping. Soucy’s monologue perfectly captures the unfairness and frustration of being the “other.” This absolutely should be seen.

  • Morey Norkin: What You Did Say

    A deeply moving look at a recent breakup, this play is brilliantly constructed with two parallel conversations. Sam Heyman has his characters fully explore their understanding of the breakup, which is sadly different for each of them. The dialogue is terrific and the overall impact with effective staging would be breathtaking!

    A deeply moving look at a recent breakup, this play is brilliantly constructed with two parallel conversations. Sam Heyman has his characters fully explore their understanding of the breakup, which is sadly different for each of them. The dialogue is terrific and the overall impact with effective staging would be breathtaking!

  • Morey Norkin: There's A Dragon in There!

    That’s entertainment! Fun for the whole family! Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn has created a fun-filled mystery based on an actual legend that is at once a throwback to child detective stories like Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and also a forerunner of Schmigadoon! What a treat! Even better than fish ice cream!

    That’s entertainment! Fun for the whole family! Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn has created a fun-filled mystery based on an actual legend that is at once a throwback to child detective stories like Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and also a forerunner of Schmigadoon! What a treat! Even better than fish ice cream!

  • Morey Norkin: The Furniture Store

    So if Schrödinger owned a furniture store… This play is wonderfully bizarre! I was in hysterics just from reading the setting! I give this a 10 out of teeeeeen!!

    So if Schrödinger owned a furniture store… This play is wonderfully bizarre! I was in hysterics just from reading the setting! I give this a 10 out of teeeeeen!!

  • Morey Norkin: The Actress - One Act Play

    What a clever mystery set aboard the Staten Island ferry. An accomplished actress with a dark secret and her maid who knows too much. What fate awaits the maid when they dock in Manhattan?! No spoilers here! Enjoy this one for yourself!

    What a clever mystery set aboard the Staten Island ferry. An accomplished actress with a dark secret and her maid who knows too much. What fate awaits the maid when they dock in Manhattan?! No spoilers here! Enjoy this one for yourself!