Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: A Long Overdue Talk With Henry

    From lights up and the description of Gayle, her ladle, and an upside down bucket, you know you’re in the strange and wonderful world of John Busser’s imagination! And when Gayle, alternating between sweet hostess and distressed widow, asks what we think is under the bucket, I was ready to believe the worst. So many laugh out loud moments between the terrific lines (“…still had egg on his face, but only metaphorically”) and the extreme physical comedy. And still there is sympathy for Gayle. In the end, I’m glad she has a friend like Henry. Well done!

    From lights up and the description of Gayle, her ladle, and an upside down bucket, you know you’re in the strange and wonderful world of John Busser’s imagination! And when Gayle, alternating between sweet hostess and distressed widow, asks what we think is under the bucket, I was ready to believe the worst. So many laugh out loud moments between the terrific lines (“…still had egg on his face, but only metaphorically”) and the extreme physical comedy. And still there is sympathy for Gayle. In the end, I’m glad she has a friend like Henry. Well done!

  • Morey Norkin: TRUE BLUE (a full-length play)

    True friends, the kind who always have your back, who you can always joke with, who may cross the line occasionally with their teasing, but who deep down love you, are priceless. Marj O’Neill-Butler presents five women, two of whom are sisters, who are just such friends. The adult humor is hilarious and shows the deep bond between these women. And when tragedy strikes the two sisters, the others show their professionalism and friendship know no bounds. A powerful, emotional journey for an ensemble of strong female actors. Brilliant!

    True friends, the kind who always have your back, who you can always joke with, who may cross the line occasionally with their teasing, but who deep down love you, are priceless. Marj O’Neill-Butler presents five women, two of whom are sisters, who are just such friends. The adult humor is hilarious and shows the deep bond between these women. And when tragedy strikes the two sisters, the others show their professionalism and friendship know no bounds. A powerful, emotional journey for an ensemble of strong female actors. Brilliant!

  • Morey Norkin: Second Chances

    This is a terrific two-hander that makes great use of a confined space and physicality of one character in particular to heighten the desperation in Dan Taube’s brilliant dialogue. So much of life is a question of choices. For Stutz, a parolee, bad choices are the norm. But maybe with the help of Berman he can turn his life around. I highly recommend you make the right choice and read SECOND CHANCES! Better yet, produce it!

    This is a terrific two-hander that makes great use of a confined space and physicality of one character in particular to heighten the desperation in Dan Taube’s brilliant dialogue. So much of life is a question of choices. For Stutz, a parolee, bad choices are the norm. But maybe with the help of Berman he can turn his life around. I highly recommend you make the right choice and read SECOND CHANCES! Better yet, produce it!

  • Morey Norkin: Matter of fact or Fiction?

    What a masterful stroke! Plot twists are always interesting when they take you by surprise, but what Marilyn Ollett does here is make you question everything you’ve just seen and heard. Aren’t we supposed to believe the victim? Could her story and/or memory have changed during the intervening years? The story starts out with good-natured flirtatious humor, but the tension quickly builds. And then we’re left with a big question. I’m still not sure what my answer is, but I encourage everyone to read this and find their own!

    What a masterful stroke! Plot twists are always interesting when they take you by surprise, but what Marilyn Ollett does here is make you question everything you’ve just seen and heard. Aren’t we supposed to believe the victim? Could her story and/or memory have changed during the intervening years? The story starts out with good-natured flirtatious humor, but the tension quickly builds. And then we’re left with a big question. I’m still not sure what my answer is, but I encourage everyone to read this and find their own!

  • Morey Norkin: Love Shackles

    Wow! Intimate, funny, sexy, heartbreaking, and scary! All in ten minutes! The on again off again relationship between Rose and Mark seems to headed in the wrong direction for Rose. But Rose, the living Variety Pack (love that line!), may have the last word. If someone offers you comps to see this, I suggest you accept them. In fact, I would gladly pay to see this!

    Wow! Intimate, funny, sexy, heartbreaking, and scary! All in ten minutes! The on again off again relationship between Rose and Mark seems to headed in the wrong direction for Rose. But Rose, the living Variety Pack (love that line!), may have the last word. If someone offers you comps to see this, I suggest you accept them. In fact, I would gladly pay to see this!

  • Morey Norkin: Splinters In My Blood

    A story about storytellers told by a master storyteller, Christopher Soucy. I couldn’t imagine where this was going, but fortunately the storyteller has no lack of imagination. You want to read this, believe me!

    A story about storytellers told by a master storyteller, Christopher Soucy. I couldn’t imagine where this was going, but fortunately the storyteller has no lack of imagination. You want to read this, believe me!

  • Morey Norkin: Doughnut Disturb

    As far as I’m concerned, you can’t go wrong with donuts and pizza! And Robert Weibezahl proves the point wonderfully. This play starts out so bizarrely funny with the somewhat unusual Colin encroaching on the park bench where Dominic is seated. The unwelcome conversation is at first hilarious, but the mood suddenly shifts. And out of a painful past experience comes understanding and acceptance. A beautifully told story ready for an audience.

    As far as I’m concerned, you can’t go wrong with donuts and pizza! And Robert Weibezahl proves the point wonderfully. This play starts out so bizarrely funny with the somewhat unusual Colin encroaching on the park bench where Dominic is seated. The unwelcome conversation is at first hilarious, but the mood suddenly shifts. And out of a painful past experience comes understanding and acceptance. A beautifully told story ready for an audience.

  • Morey Norkin: The Paranormal Club's Seventh Annual Haunted House Sleepover

    Cole Hunter Dzubak certainly knows how to scare the daylights out of you! This play works brilliantly as audio only, which I was lucky enough to hear in a preview of season two of Theatrical Shenanigans. But don’t let that stop anyone from bringing it to the stage. A great ghost story can only benefit from the shrieks of others sitting close by. You will find your heart starts racing as the tension mounts for a group of students on a ghost hunt. Things turn scary and then! You’ll have to read it to find out!

    Cole Hunter Dzubak certainly knows how to scare the daylights out of you! This play works brilliantly as audio only, which I was lucky enough to hear in a preview of season two of Theatrical Shenanigans. But don’t let that stop anyone from bringing it to the stage. A great ghost story can only benefit from the shrieks of others sitting close by. You will find your heart starts racing as the tension mounts for a group of students on a ghost hunt. Things turn scary and then! You’ll have to read it to find out!

  • Morey Norkin: Southlake

    Mike Byham has created one heck of a powerful family drama that focuses on regret and a decision that haunts for a lifetime. Things seem tranquil, almost idyllic, on the Scott farm in Southlake, Texas, with the occasional exception of teen trespassers. But there’s more beneath the surface, and Byham does a terrific job of revealing all at a deliberate pace, as one would expect given the setting. Charcter-driven, with an emotion-packed story, SOUTHLAKE is more than ready for an audience.

    Mike Byham has created one heck of a powerful family drama that focuses on regret and a decision that haunts for a lifetime. Things seem tranquil, almost idyllic, on the Scott farm in Southlake, Texas, with the occasional exception of teen trespassers. But there’s more beneath the surface, and Byham does a terrific job of revealing all at a deliberate pace, as one would expect given the setting. Charcter-driven, with an emotion-packed story, SOUTHLAKE is more than ready for an audience.

  • Morey Norkin: firefly / a foreigner's tale

    Misao McGregor weaves a beautiful tale of generations of women searching for their dreams but restrained by culture - first in their native Japan and then as immigrants to America. The desire, and in some cases the pressure, to maintain traditional values, poses unique challenges along generational lines. Highly theatrical, almost ethereal like the central character’s namesake, Hotaru (firefly). I hope this lovely play finds its way to the stage where it can shine.

    Misao McGregor weaves a beautiful tale of generations of women searching for their dreams but restrained by culture - first in their native Japan and then as immigrants to America. The desire, and in some cases the pressure, to maintain traditional values, poses unique challenges along generational lines. Highly theatrical, almost ethereal like the central character’s namesake, Hotaru (firefly). I hope this lovely play finds its way to the stage where it can shine.