Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: Venus Needs Men

    VENUS NEEDS MEN but not for the reasons you might think. And of all the men available on Earth, the women of Venus choose poor clueless Lucas. This play is hilarious not only as a sci-fi parody, but for all the truisms about community theater. It’s hysterical to think that community theater on Venus is exactly the same as it is on Earth! I am now a Greg Mandryk fan!

    VENUS NEEDS MEN but not for the reasons you might think. And of all the men available on Earth, the women of Venus choose poor clueless Lucas. This play is hilarious not only as a sci-fi parody, but for all the truisms about community theater. It’s hysterical to think that community theater on Venus is exactly the same as it is on Earth! I am now a Greg Mandryk fan!

  • Morey Norkin: A Short History of the Vietnam War According to Suzanne

    This play appears to be the original source for Melissa Milich’s other Vietnam War related short, PHIL GRUNENWALD’S KID. Interesting and amusing background to that story is provided here. Enjoyable and sweet as it is, Milich also has ample opportunity to expand this story of a love triangle with unexpected outcomes. Since Milich indicates she is working on revising this play, I look forward to learning more about these interesting characters.

    This play appears to be the original source for Melissa Milich’s other Vietnam War related short, PHIL GRUNENWALD’S KID. Interesting and amusing background to that story is provided here. Enjoyable and sweet as it is, Milich also has ample opportunity to expand this story of a love triangle with unexpected outcomes. Since Milich indicates she is working on revising this play, I look forward to learning more about these interesting characters.

  • Morey Norkin: The Mandryk Effect

    The ability to write words and place them in a certain order so as to elicit vocalizations associated with merriment is a talent greatly possessed by John Busser! I don’t think anyone is funnier. Fortunately for us, John didn’t grow up to become a lawyer. Now I need to read Mr. Mandryk to get the full effect.

    The ability to write words and place them in a certain order so as to elicit vocalizations associated with merriment is a talent greatly possessed by John Busser! I don’t think anyone is funnier. Fortunately for us, John didn’t grow up to become a lawyer. Now I need to read Mr. Mandryk to get the full effect.

  • Morey Norkin: Target Audience

    Sending a virtual high five to Sam Heyman for this brilliant lampooning of the short play festival obsession with world premieres! I think every short play festival should begin with TARGET AUDIENCE. If not, I may sue!

    Sending a virtual high five to Sam Heyman for this brilliant lampooning of the short play festival obsession with world premieres! I think every short play festival should begin with TARGET AUDIENCE. If not, I may sue!

  • Morey Norkin: 600 km NE Lima

    The setting, a terrace outside a disco overlooking the ocean, feels as much a character in this smart play as the two people. As an industrialist and attorney on opposite sides of an environmental legal battle meet, over-priced drinks in hand, Peru’s indigenous population is nothing more than a convenient legal ploy for one and practically nonexistent for the other. It takes the imminent threat of a pandemic to make clear our connectedness. Scott Sickles does a brilliant job of creating an atmosphere and characters that tell a compelling story.

    The setting, a terrace outside a disco overlooking the ocean, feels as much a character in this smart play as the two people. As an industrialist and attorney on opposite sides of an environmental legal battle meet, over-priced drinks in hand, Peru’s indigenous population is nothing more than a convenient legal ploy for one and practically nonexistent for the other. It takes the imminent threat of a pandemic to make clear our connectedness. Scott Sickles does a brilliant job of creating an atmosphere and characters that tell a compelling story.

  • Morey Norkin: Sir Jay and Sir Kay Versus the Fearsome Dragon

    Two knights and a dragon named Neil. As soon as you get that far, you know you’re in for some crazy good fun! And Brent Alles delivers the goods! Double entendres galore and, I’ll say it again, a dragon named Neil. A visual and verbal laugh fest!

    Two knights and a dragon named Neil. As soon as you get that far, you know you’re in for some crazy good fun! And Brent Alles delivers the goods! Double entendres galore and, I’ll say it again, a dragon named Neil. A visual and verbal laugh fest!

  • Morey Norkin: Playing G.O.D. - 10 Minute Play

    What a delightful comedic look at the afterlife! To be greeted by a hilarious Deathbot and given the chance to play G.O.D. for an individual on earth sounds like something to be desired. Certainly the opportunity to see how it all plays out on stage is to be desired! Alexa Schoffel provides several laugh out loud moments along with the wonderful lesson that if we can have a positive impact on even one life, we have done good. Pure fun!

    What a delightful comedic look at the afterlife! To be greeted by a hilarious Deathbot and given the chance to play G.O.D. for an individual on earth sounds like something to be desired. Certainly the opportunity to see how it all plays out on stage is to be desired! Alexa Schoffel provides several laugh out loud moments along with the wonderful lesson that if we can have a positive impact on even one life, we have done good. Pure fun!

  • Morey Norkin: Hidden Victims

    What an incredibly dark, riveting docudrama! Knowing this is based on actual events makes the nature of the crimes described even more disturbing. But as Marilyn Ollett so effectively shows us, it’s the effect these crimes have on the criminal’s own family that may go unreported yet may be as devastating as what the victims’ families face. A highly stylized piece, HIDDEN VICTIMS will certainly leave audiences talking, once they catch their breath.

    What an incredibly dark, riveting docudrama! Knowing this is based on actual events makes the nature of the crimes described even more disturbing. But as Marilyn Ollett so effectively shows us, it’s the effect these crimes have on the criminal’s own family that may go unreported yet may be as devastating as what the victims’ families face. A highly stylized piece, HIDDEN VICTIMS will certainly leave audiences talking, once they catch their breath.

  • Morey Norkin: The Origin of Zeke Wolf

    I huffed and puffed and laughed out loud at this story of the origin of the Big Bad Wolf! Dana Hall satirizes so many aspects of today’s culture as mom and dad wolf try to cover for their son’s (the future Big Bad) conspicuous consumption. I swear by the hair on my chinny chin chin, audiences will howl with laughter at this one!

    I huffed and puffed and laughed out loud at this story of the origin of the Big Bad Wolf! Dana Hall satirizes so many aspects of today’s culture as mom and dad wolf try to cover for their son’s (the future Big Bad) conspicuous consumption. I swear by the hair on my chinny chin chin, audiences will howl with laughter at this one!

  • Morey Norkin: Coffee House Boos

    A reality TV ghost hunting program shows up unannounced at a coffee shop. Hilarity ensues as the over-the-top British host desperately tries to find signs of “ghosties.” As funny as the host is, my favorite character is the understated, deadpan cameraman. The kind of part I would love to do! Well, with Halloween fast approaching, I hope someone gets the chance. Cheers for COFFEE HOUSE BOOS!

    A reality TV ghost hunting program shows up unannounced at a coffee shop. Hilarity ensues as the over-the-top British host desperately tries to find signs of “ghosties.” As funny as the host is, my favorite character is the understated, deadpan cameraman. The kind of part I would love to do! Well, with Halloween fast approaching, I hope someone gets the chance. Cheers for COFFEE HOUSE BOOS!