Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: Demons Helping Demons

    Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn combines her unique sense of humor (butt munch!) with her ability to tug at your heartstrings. Here she has created an inspired tale of three demons, capable of nothing more than grade school practical jokes, who meet a human mourning a terrible loss. As this play humorously and wisely teaches us, confronting your demons, even goofy ones, can lead you out of the darkness. This would be a delight to see on stage.

    Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn combines her unique sense of humor (butt munch!) with her ability to tug at your heartstrings. Here she has created an inspired tale of three demons, capable of nothing more than grade school practical jokes, who meet a human mourning a terrible loss. As this play humorously and wisely teaches us, confronting your demons, even goofy ones, can lead you out of the darkness. This would be a delight to see on stage.

  • Morey Norkin: DANCING WITH UNICORNS (a 10 minute play)

    A very recognizable slice of family life where the mother is expected to be everything from lost and found department, to chauffeur, to enforcer. All with little appreciation. The comedy is in how all too common this is and how this particular mom manages to cope. A treat for the whole family that hopefully results in moms getting at least a thank you.

    A very recognizable slice of family life where the mother is expected to be everything from lost and found department, to chauffeur, to enforcer. All with little appreciation. The comedy is in how all too common this is and how this particular mom manages to cope. A treat for the whole family that hopefully results in moms getting at least a thank you.

  • Morey Norkin: Fairytale of the Street

    Christopher Plumridge has created a powerful and uncomfortably realistic portrait of life on the street for a homeless man. Here we have a heartbreaking story of an individual, which sadly reminds us that there are so many stories we will never hear. Let this story continue to remind us until there is no longer a need.

    Christopher Plumridge has created a powerful and uncomfortably realistic portrait of life on the street for a homeless man. Here we have a heartbreaking story of an individual, which sadly reminds us that there are so many stories we will never hear. Let this story continue to remind us until there is no longer a need.

  • Morey Norkin: I Am He

    I was not prepared for this. And that really is the point. A simple game of catch between a father and son. The easy banter goes back and forth just like the soft tosses of the game. And then the unexpected. I’m still trying to catch my breath. Another outstanding piece from Deb Cole!

    I was not prepared for this. And that really is the point. A simple game of catch between a father and son. The easy banter goes back and forth just like the soft tosses of the game. And then the unexpected. I’m still trying to catch my breath. Another outstanding piece from Deb Cole!

  • Morey Norkin: Bar Mitzvah Boy

    A beautifully told memory filled with humor and emotion. The historical backdrop provides important context and truly brings the story to life. Outstanding work!

    A beautifully told memory filled with humor and emotion. The historical backdrop provides important context and truly brings the story to life. Outstanding work!

  • Morey Norkin: Crass Reunion

    I won’t be able to attend my *cough cough* reunion this year, but fortunately I could experience one much more enjoyable thanks to Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn’s hilarious CRASS REUNION! How’s this for kicking things off? “Saffron Hollyhock enters, perky as puke. Former senior class president, now a Banana Republic clad soccer mom, clinging to her MILF status.” It just gets wilder and funnier from there! Throw in some inspired audience participation and this is one reunion you don’t want to miss!

    I won’t be able to attend my *cough cough* reunion this year, but fortunately I could experience one much more enjoyable thanks to Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn’s hilarious CRASS REUNION! How’s this for kicking things off? “Saffron Hollyhock enters, perky as puke. Former senior class president, now a Banana Republic clad soccer mom, clinging to her MILF status.” It just gets wilder and funnier from there! Throw in some inspired audience participation and this is one reunion you don’t want to miss!

  • Morey Norkin: Prince Nice Guy

    We all know about the charming prince who rescues the damsel in distress. In great comic fashion, Emily Hageman turns the fairytale on its head with a decidedly feminist twist. With a clueless prince and his wise and wisecracking squire, the laughs are plentiful. A great addition to any festival.

    We all know about the charming prince who rescues the damsel in distress. In great comic fashion, Emily Hageman turns the fairytale on its head with a decidedly feminist twist. With a clueless prince and his wise and wisecracking squire, the laughs are plentiful. A great addition to any festival.

  • Morey Norkin: Thank You and Goodnight

    There’s a lot going on in THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT. And Alyssa Hadad-Chin does a masterful job of putting it all together in this funny, poignant, and uplifting play! It is at once a look at the world of standup comedy, family relationships, challenges faced by women, and the desire to follow a dream. The characters are real, the jokes are hilarious, and the story will leave a a smile on your face. I would absolutely love to see this staged!

    There’s a lot going on in THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT. And Alyssa Hadad-Chin does a masterful job of putting it all together in this funny, poignant, and uplifting play! It is at once a look at the world of standup comedy, family relationships, challenges faced by women, and the desire to follow a dream. The characters are real, the jokes are hilarious, and the story will leave a a smile on your face. I would absolutely love to see this staged!

  • Morey Norkin: Scholarship

    Although the setting for SCHOLARSHIP is a community college, this story and the comic frustrations of dealing with any bureaucracy are universal. I’m currently dealing with an issue where I have told the same story over and over again. So Mel’s plight had me laughing out loud! A fun read and would be a treat to see performed!

    Although the setting for SCHOLARSHIP is a community college, this story and the comic frustrations of dealing with any bureaucracy are universal. I’m currently dealing with an issue where I have told the same story over and over again. So Mel’s plight had me laughing out loud! A fun read and would be a treat to see performed!

  • Morey Norkin: Boxed In

    What a treat this! A play that shows the true meaning of brotherly love, BOXED IN will have you cheering these two brothers as they grapple with the younger’s delusions. But Stephanie Hunt has other things in mind! Two engaging characters, a unique story, and one heck of a twist!

    What a treat this! A play that shows the true meaning of brotherly love, BOXED IN will have you cheering these two brothers as they grapple with the younger’s delusions. But Stephanie Hunt has other things in mind! Two engaging characters, a unique story, and one heck of a twist!