Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: Grace

    This is a lovely monologue from Deb Cole. An aging woman caring for her infirm husband reminds us that despite what our eyes tell us, we should remember and show the same kindness to our elders as we did when they were young and vital. You never know what life will deal you as you age. A terrific audition piece, festival standout, or anthology finale.

    This is a lovely monologue from Deb Cole. An aging woman caring for her infirm husband reminds us that despite what our eyes tell us, we should remember and show the same kindness to our elders as we did when they were young and vital. You never know what life will deal you as you age. A terrific audition piece, festival standout, or anthology finale.

  • Morey Norkin: I Think We Need to Have a Meeting

    Lindsey Brown has created a hilarious spoof of corporate culture! Meetings, meetings, and meetings about meetings! All of the members of the "A Team" are spot on. Internally, I was Anthony, but too quiet to share my frustration. I'm sure anyone who reads this and has attended a fair share of business meetings will recognize themselves and their colleagues. This would be so much fun to see in a festival, especially knowing you won't have to attend another meeting!

    Lindsey Brown has created a hilarious spoof of corporate culture! Meetings, meetings, and meetings about meetings! All of the members of the "A Team" are spot on. Internally, I was Anthony, but too quiet to share my frustration. I'm sure anyone who reads this and has attended a fair share of business meetings will recognize themselves and their colleagues. This would be so much fun to see in a festival, especially knowing you won't have to attend another meeting!

  • Morey Norkin: The Right Thing

    Even if it hadn’t been written in response to the most ridiculously detailed prompt ever, this play is terrific on its own. That it was faithful to the absurd prompt is even more impressive. Alice may be the hero of this story, but Rachel Feeny-Williams is a hero for our time!

    Even if it hadn’t been written in response to the most ridiculously detailed prompt ever, this play is terrific on its own. That it was faithful to the absurd prompt is even more impressive. Alice may be the hero of this story, but Rachel Feeny-Williams is a hero for our time!

  • Morey Norkin: If Only in My Dreams (Ten Minute)

    Paul Donnelly provides a powerful look at family guilt and how multiple lives are impacted by an individual’s struggle with addiction. Set during Christmas, the play is both a reminder that holidays can be especially stressful where family dynamics are concerned and that perhaps they can offer a glimmer of hope. Well worth presenting any time of year.

    Paul Donnelly provides a powerful look at family guilt and how multiple lives are impacted by an individual’s struggle with addiction. Set during Christmas, the play is both a reminder that holidays can be especially stressful where family dynamics are concerned and that perhaps they can offer a glimmer of hope. Well worth presenting any time of year.

  • Morey Norkin: Submission Opportunities

    Too funny and too true! Makes me wonder if the good people who call for submissions would get this. I hope Deb Cole will test the waters with this one some day.

    Too funny and too true! Makes me wonder if the good people who call for submissions would get this. I hope Deb Cole will test the waters with this one some day.

  • Morey Norkin: A PLEASURE

    For 10 lovely minutes, Paul Smith allows us to feel hopeful as we witness Clifford and Stella, two lonely seniors, take their first tentative steps toward a new romance. The dialogue is gentle and refined and the result is oh so heartwarming. If you’re looking for a little pleasure, look no further.

    For 10 lovely minutes, Paul Smith allows us to feel hopeful as we witness Clifford and Stella, two lonely seniors, take their first tentative steps toward a new romance. The dialogue is gentle and refined and the result is oh so heartwarming. If you’re looking for a little pleasure, look no further.

  • Morey Norkin: Please Tell Me You're Ok

    Cole Hunter Dzubak’s haunting words come from a place of deep sorrow, anger, and despair for the tragedy at Michigan State University. Right now, the response to the title is we’re not OK as long as these senseless tragedies continue. Cole’s words need to be read, performed, and taken to heart until something is done and we can truly say we’re OK.

    Cole Hunter Dzubak’s haunting words come from a place of deep sorrow, anger, and despair for the tragedy at Michigan State University. Right now, the response to the title is we’re not OK as long as these senseless tragedies continue. Cole’s words need to be read, performed, and taken to heart until something is done and we can truly say we’re OK.

  • Morey Norkin: Burying the Lead (or Playing Dead)

    I needed a good laugh, so no better place to turn to than a John Busser comedy! What’s a playwright to do when the characters are out of control? When the “actual” playwright is John Busser the answer is bring on the laughs! Bravo!

    I needed a good laugh, so no better place to turn to than a John Busser comedy! What’s a playwright to do when the characters are out of control? When the “actual” playwright is John Busser the answer is bring on the laughs! Bravo!

  • Morey Norkin: I LOVE A PARADE, a 10-minute dystopian political drama

    Disturbing. Because the kind of oppression depicted in Arianna Rose’s chilling drama has precedent, and the current state of world affairs does not bode well for the future. This is an important cautionary tale that should be shared widely.

    Disturbing. Because the kind of oppression depicted in Arianna Rose’s chilling drama has precedent, and the current state of world affairs does not bode well for the future. This is an important cautionary tale that should be shared widely.

  • Morey Norkin: We Interrupt This Broadcast

    Claudia Haas sums up the scourge of gun violence in the US in one short page. I read this shortly after learning about a shooting at Michigan State University. No doubt future readers/audiences will read/see this soon after another mass shooting. This one will touch a nerve, as it should.

    Claudia Haas sums up the scourge of gun violence in the US in one short page. I read this shortly after learning about a shooting at Michigan State University. No doubt future readers/audiences will read/see this soon after another mass shooting. This one will touch a nerve, as it should.