Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: The Waters of Her Noblest Rivers

    As a DC native, I’m always interested in stories that take place in and around Washington. Andrew Martineau expertly captures the contradictions of the area: growth and gentrification at the expense of the neglected and underserved, the attraction of people who are genuinely interested in public service as well as those just looking to get ahead. Martineau has created four distinct, memorable characters whose separate conversations will leave you thinking about your own impact on the world and the people around you.

    As a DC native, I’m always interested in stories that take place in and around Washington. Andrew Martineau expertly captures the contradictions of the area: growth and gentrification at the expense of the neglected and underserved, the attraction of people who are genuinely interested in public service as well as those just looking to get ahead. Martineau has created four distinct, memorable characters whose separate conversations will leave you thinking about your own impact on the world and the people around you.

  • Morey Norkin: To Love Alone

    Absolutely charming! Imagine the possibility of finding love over a shared disappointment in the quality of Valentine’s Day cards. We can’t help but hope this is just the beginning for Curt and Jill. Andrew Martineau’s writing is clever and touching, unlike your typical VD card collection. Hallmark, if you’re listening…

    Absolutely charming! Imagine the possibility of finding love over a shared disappointment in the quality of Valentine’s Day cards. We can’t help but hope this is just the beginning for Curt and Jill. Andrew Martineau’s writing is clever and touching, unlike your typical VD card collection. Hallmark, if you’re listening…

  • Morey Norkin: Ice Box Cake and the Man from Lima (Short One-Woman Play)

    Don Baker’s writing is so pitch perfect you might think he time traveled back to the 1950s to record Velma’s side of the phone conversation. Velma’s folksy manner and dessert making might make her seem like everyone’s favorite aunt, and her casual racism likely went unnoticed in her circles. Today, most of us know better. But there are still too many who would find her to be a favorite aunt. A great monologue for an older actor!

    Don Baker’s writing is so pitch perfect you might think he time traveled back to the 1950s to record Velma’s side of the phone conversation. Velma’s folksy manner and dessert making might make her seem like everyone’s favorite aunt, and her casual racism likely went unnoticed in her circles. Today, most of us know better. But there are still too many who would find her to be a favorite aunt. A great monologue for an older actor!

  • Morey Norkin: Holding Pattern

    What a great comic twist on an historic milestone! John Busser has created a gem for a female actor. Not only taking on the role of an icon like Amelia Earhart, but Amelia Earhart with a full bladder! On route to becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, there is some brief foreshadowing of a future flight, but overall this is a hilarious adventure. Festival planners should ensure this is performed just before intermission or as the finale!

    What a great comic twist on an historic milestone! John Busser has created a gem for a female actor. Not only taking on the role of an icon like Amelia Earhart, but Amelia Earhart with a full bladder! On route to becoming the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, there is some brief foreshadowing of a future flight, but overall this is a hilarious adventure. Festival planners should ensure this is performed just before intermission or as the finale!


    I came for the title, and this short mystery delivered the goods! Or maybe they only do takeout. A great visual punchline will leave audiences howling! Paul Smith strikes again!

    I came for the title, and this short mystery delivered the goods! Or maybe they only do takeout. A great visual punchline will leave audiences howling! Paul Smith strikes again!

  • Morey Norkin: The Garden Party

    Hannah Lee DeFrates creates a terrifying fantasy world or two where nothing is quite as it seems. Survival depends on adherence to strict rules of behavior. Is there a way out? That question drives the action and the terror! The fast-paced energy of this piece will both thrill and stun audiences!

    Hannah Lee DeFrates creates a terrifying fantasy world or two where nothing is quite as it seems. Survival depends on adherence to strict rules of behavior. Is there a way out? That question drives the action and the terror! The fast-paced energy of this piece will both thrill and stun audiences!

  • Morey Norkin: A Voice From the Prussian Sea

    Aly Kantor has crafted a lovely story of a young woman determined to find her voice as a poet under the most difficult circumstances. Kantor incorporates wit, grace, and even humor as her heroine must choose whether to abandon her identity and writing for possible freedom or maintain them in the face of the most dire consequences. Truly moving!

    Aly Kantor has crafted a lovely story of a young woman determined to find her voice as a poet under the most difficult circumstances. Kantor incorporates wit, grace, and even humor as her heroine must choose whether to abandon her identity and writing for possible freedom or maintain them in the face of the most dire consequences. Truly moving!

  • Morey Norkin: Remembering Margot

    I’m not sure I can find the words to say just how beautiful, moving, and important this play is! Claudia Haas has created a loving remembrance of Margot Frank that, like her sister’s diary, needs to be shared over and over again.

    I’m not sure I can find the words to say just how beautiful, moving, and important this play is! Claudia Haas has created a loving remembrance of Margot Frank that, like her sister’s diary, needs to be shared over and over again.

  • Morey Norkin: I Hate My Afterlife

    It has been said that dying is easy, comedy is hard. Well, Dana Hall certainly makes the latter look easy, and she even manages to make the former seem kind of fun! How can you not enjoy a couple of ghosts playing good-natured jokes on some mortals as the new ghost in town learns the ropes? There’s a sweetness to this story as well as both mortals and ghosts learn valuable lessons. This would be a real treat to see on stage!

    It has been said that dying is easy, comedy is hard. Well, Dana Hall certainly makes the latter look easy, and she even manages to make the former seem kind of fun! How can you not enjoy a couple of ghosts playing good-natured jokes on some mortals as the new ghost in town learns the ropes? There’s a sweetness to this story as well as both mortals and ghosts learn valuable lessons. This would be a real treat to see on stage!

  • Morey Norkin: The Antique Shoppe

    A fine romance this is! Scott Sickles gently moves the story and budding relationship forward as if gliding across the dance floor. Add an unexpected but welcome twist, and you have a play that will will have audiences smiling and maybe even swaying to some big band classic. Absolutely charming!

    A fine romance this is! Scott Sickles gently moves the story and budding relationship forward as if gliding across the dance floor. Add an unexpected but welcome twist, and you have a play that will will have audiences smiling and maybe even swaying to some big band classic. Absolutely charming!