Recommended by Morey Norkin

  • Morey Norkin: NOH More Drama: A Children’s Origin Play Based on Japanese Myth

    Yet another Japanese tale that I didn’t know but so happy to learn about it through this sweet adaptation! Debra Cole has written a very clever verse for four enjoyable characters. Add in the Noh masks, choreography, and stylized recitation, and you’ve got yourself quite a theatrical event!

    Yet another Japanese tale that I didn’t know but so happy to learn about it through this sweet adaptation! Debra Cole has written a very clever verse for four enjoyable characters. Add in the Noh masks, choreography, and stylized recitation, and you’ve got yourself quite a theatrical event!

  • Morey Norkin: The Last Deck Chair in the Resort

    Oh, this is so much fun! Two women in desperate need of relaxation have a tussle over the one available deck chair at a swanky resort. The logic of their claims to “ownership” grow wilder as their frustrations mount. Lindsey Brown’s dialogue is fast-paced and hilarious. The resolution is clever and perhaps marks the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Not surprising that this play has received so many accolades!

    Oh, this is so much fun! Two women in desperate need of relaxation have a tussle over the one available deck chair at a swanky resort. The logic of their claims to “ownership” grow wilder as their frustrations mount. Lindsey Brown’s dialogue is fast-paced and hilarious. The resolution is clever and perhaps marks the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Not surprising that this play has received so many accolades!

  • Morey Norkin: Lady Fashion

    A beautifully intriguing story about how aging can affect one’s confidence. The relationship between an aging model and her stylist is familiar, touching, and perhaps not at all what it seems to be. I would love to see more from these two characters!

    A beautifully intriguing story about how aging can affect one’s confidence. The relationship between an aging model and her stylist is familiar, touching, and perhaps not at all what it seems to be. I would love to see more from these two characters!

  • Morey Norkin: Uploads

    I’m famous! What a thrill to be mentioned alongside so many writers and friends I admire! Of course, maybe there’s an issue having our NPX portfolio used as fodder for AI brain training. Deb Cole tackles the issue in a smart and funny way that should cause the likes of ChatGPT to have at least a moment of self reflection. Well done!

    I’m famous! What a thrill to be mentioned alongside so many writers and friends I admire! Of course, maybe there’s an issue having our NPX portfolio used as fodder for AI brain training. Deb Cole tackles the issue in a smart and funny way that should cause the likes of ChatGPT to have at least a moment of self reflection. Well done!

  • Morey Norkin: The Revenge of Harvey

    “Harvey” is one of my favorite plays and films. So I was anxious to see how Deb Cole would turn it on its head. Well, she did it brilliantly! Taking the most poignant speech from the original and adding a “but…” suddenly made this Harvey quite chilling! After reading this, if you happen to see a 6-foot tall rabbit, run!

    “Harvey” is one of my favorite plays and films. So I was anxious to see how Deb Cole would turn it on its head. Well, she did it brilliantly! Taking the most poignant speech from the original and adding a “but…” suddenly made this Harvey quite chilling! After reading this, if you happen to see a 6-foot tall rabbit, run!

  • Morey Norkin: The Stonecutter (In The Limelight: Short Plays for Large Casts-Adapted Classics for Children)

    I was not familiar with this tale, but what a delightful story it is and presented so beautifully by Nora Louise Syran! Nora has compiled a treasure trove of amazing plays for children! Once this treasure is discovered, so many lives will be enriched!

    I was not familiar with this tale, but what a delightful story it is and presented so beautifully by Nora Louise Syran! Nora has compiled a treasure trove of amazing plays for children! Once this treasure is discovered, so many lives will be enriched!

  • Morey Norkin: A Deadly Engagement

    There is nothing like a Rachel Feeny-Williams murder mystery! Set in a drawing room with all of the characters in formal evening wear, DEADLY ENGAGEMENT pulls you in immediately as each character seems suspicious even before the crime has been committed! I love playing detective, but I’m no match for Rachel’s skillful sleight of hand! A wonderful night of theatre is waiting for someone to produce it!

    There is nothing like a Rachel Feeny-Williams murder mystery! Set in a drawing room with all of the characters in formal evening wear, DEADLY ENGAGEMENT pulls you in immediately as each character seems suspicious even before the crime has been committed! I love playing detective, but I’m no match for Rachel’s skillful sleight of hand! A wonderful night of theatre is waiting for someone to produce it!

  • Morey Norkin: Why Mosquitoes Buzz in Our Ears (In The Limelight: Short Plays for Large Casts-Adapted Classics for Children)

    I never thought I would have sympathy for a mosquito, but Nora Louise Syran has so beautifully adapted this tale for children that I was hoping the poor thing would get a break. So much opportunity for designers/teachers to let their imagination run wild. Schools and children’s theaters around the world should take note of this and Nora’s other school-friendly plays!

    I never thought I would have sympathy for a mosquito, but Nora Louise Syran has so beautifully adapted this tale for children that I was hoping the poor thing would get a break. So much opportunity for designers/teachers to let their imagination run wild. Schools and children’s theaters around the world should take note of this and Nora’s other school-friendly plays!

  • Morey Norkin: A Typical STEM Job Interview

    This is an absolute riot! Fortunately, I’m retired now, but I remember the days of interviews that left me shaking my head. A great Zoom comedy ready for an online audience!

    This is an absolute riot! Fortunately, I’m retired now, but I remember the days of interviews that left me shaking my head. A great Zoom comedy ready for an online audience!

  • Morey Norkin: Southern Family Planning - A Farce

    Great, fast-paced comic banter with a real zinger at the end! A perfect example of how well Deb Cole sends an important message while we’re also enjoying some good laughs!

    Great, fast-paced comic banter with a real zinger at the end! A perfect example of how well Deb Cole sends an important message while we’re also enjoying some good laughs!