Recommended by Neil Radtke

  • Neil Radtke: For Richard, for Poorer

    I had the pleasure of seeing this performed in the 8th annual Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette 10-min play festival. This was a hysterical play that ended on an extremely touching note. Martin has created a play that would be a delight to perform. Very well done!

    I had the pleasure of seeing this performed in the 8th annual Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette 10-min play festival. This was a hysterical play that ended on an extremely touching note. Martin has created a play that would be a delight to perform. Very well done!

  • Neil Radtke: Uncle Dog's Banjo

    This play will grip you from the very first word. A lifetime of family history is condensed masterfully by Cathro in these few pages. A life lived and a legacy passed on...captivating stuff.

    This play will grip you from the very first word. A lifetime of family history is condensed masterfully by Cathro in these few pages. A life lived and a legacy passed on...captivating stuff.

  • Neil Radtke: Ask M.A.T.E.R

    As our loved ones age, we all fear that we can provide for them suitable care while also maintaining our own hectic schedules. While this may be cumbersome to us at times, Feeny-Williams shows that being replaced isn't what we want either. This is an amazingly strong play that hits home in so many ways.

    As our loved ones age, we all fear that we can provide for them suitable care while also maintaining our own hectic schedules. While this may be cumbersome to us at times, Feeny-Williams shows that being replaced isn't what we want either. This is an amazingly strong play that hits home in so many ways.

  • Neil Radtke: Your Move, Sprinkles (one-minute play)

    You win this round, Sprinkles! I enjoyed this play so much. Weaver crafts a funny and engaging tale that is just a delight.

    You win this round, Sprinkles! I enjoyed this play so much. Weaver crafts a funny and engaging tale that is just a delight.

  • Neil Radtke: Are you ready to order?

    This is a very impactful monologue that brings to light a lot of truths about the inner struggle so many who have this affliction face every day. Jenny has reached a breaking point and the explosion of emotion cuts deep. Excellent piece that sends a strong message.

    This is a very impactful monologue that brings to light a lot of truths about the inner struggle so many who have this affliction face every day. Jenny has reached a breaking point and the explosion of emotion cuts deep. Excellent piece that sends a strong message.

  • Neil Radtke: The White Millennium

    Divorce is often the final step in the dissolving of a relationship. Usually, there is no turning back. Even though the bond between these two characters is almost completely severed, Bethany Dickens leaves you with a thought that maybe there is still hope to save this pair. This is a well-crafted and concise tale that gets you bought into the plight of these characters from the very beginning.

    Divorce is often the final step in the dissolving of a relationship. Usually, there is no turning back. Even though the bond between these two characters is almost completely severed, Bethany Dickens leaves you with a thought that maybe there is still hope to save this pair. This is a well-crafted and concise tale that gets you bought into the plight of these characters from the very beginning.

  • Neil Radtke: Password: 2020 Escape Room [a 1-minute play]

    Martin has taken the whole of 2020 and packaged it in this extremely engaging and frantic 1 min play. I found myself chuckling at all the assorted things that happened during 2020...oh right...murder hornets were ALSO in 2020. This play is one of the few reasons to smile about 2020. Bravo!

    Martin has taken the whole of 2020 and packaged it in this extremely engaging and frantic 1 min play. I found myself chuckling at all the assorted things that happened during 2020...oh right...murder hornets were ALSO in 2020. This play is one of the few reasons to smile about 2020. Bravo!

  • Neil Radtke: The Review, a monologue

    This is a strong monologue that is extremely relatable. I found myself getting lost in her recounting of all the fast advancements that have been made over her 20 years with the company and it made me slightly nostalgic. Emotional and real, this monologue sends a strong message and would be a great piece to see performed.

    This is a strong monologue that is extremely relatable. I found myself getting lost in her recounting of all the fast advancements that have been made over her 20 years with the company and it made me slightly nostalgic. Emotional and real, this monologue sends a strong message and would be a great piece to see performed.

  • Neil Radtke: In The Whole History of Hi-Q

    The arrogance of youth and the pettiness of teens all wrapped up in a nice little package. Gatton creates a great scene here where the reluctance of a teen to accept their own shortcomings becomes front and center. Well-paced and a great script for young people to tackle. Excellent!

    The arrogance of youth and the pettiness of teens all wrapped up in a nice little package. Gatton creates a great scene here where the reluctance of a teen to accept their own shortcomings becomes front and center. Well-paced and a great script for young people to tackle. Excellent!

  • Neil Radtke: The Wardrobe

    This play takes you on an emotional rollercoaster from start to finish. This "wordless play" would be a real challenge for any actress as there is a wide range of emotions that must be conveyed to really tell the full story. Well done!

    This play takes you on an emotional rollercoaster from start to finish. This "wordless play" would be a real challenge for any actress as there is a wide range of emotions that must be conveyed to really tell the full story. Well done!