Recommended by Neil Radtke

  • Neil Radtke: Break

    A touching play that amplifies the struggle many teens have as their high school years come to a close. LeBlanc does a tremendous job in showing, through Sarah, the difficult balance kids have in trying to decide if they should "do what is expected" or "do what they really want." A great play that works on so many levels.

    A touching play that amplifies the struggle many teens have as their high school years come to a close. LeBlanc does a tremendous job in showing, through Sarah, the difficult balance kids have in trying to decide if they should "do what is expected" or "do what they really want." A great play that works on so many levels.

  • Neil Radtke: Cinnamon

    We've all been really gotta "go" but something is preventing you from that relief. In this case, the bane of the service industry, the entitled and unreasonable customer. Malone has created a fun little scene that would be perfect for high school performers. (As suggested)

    We've all been really gotta "go" but something is preventing you from that relief. In this case, the bane of the service industry, the entitled and unreasonable customer. Malone has created a fun little scene that would be perfect for high school performers. (As suggested)

  • Neil Radtke: Places

    I really enjoyed reading this piece. Being a "new kid" and trying to fit in is very difficult for kids. Martineau uses a creative premise to shine a light on this...with a final line that resonates perfectly with the overall message. A nice piece for young actors.

    I really enjoyed reading this piece. Being a "new kid" and trying to fit in is very difficult for kids. Martineau uses a creative premise to shine a light on this...with a final line that resonates perfectly with the overall message. A nice piece for young actors.

  • Neil Radtke: Plaque Kills

    Hall uses a classic comedic topic in going to the dentist and has produced a thoroughly enjoyable (and positively relatable) monologue. This entertaining piece is perfect for an actor wanting to showcase their stuff in an audition.

    Hall uses a classic comedic topic in going to the dentist and has produced a thoroughly enjoyable (and positively relatable) monologue. This entertaining piece is perfect for an actor wanting to showcase their stuff in an audition.

  • Neil Radtke: Love and Gratitude

    Absolutely brilliant piece. In just a short one minute, we go from complete and utter mayhem to touching true love...even if that touching happens to be with a severed beautifully absurd! Loved it!

    Absolutely brilliant piece. In just a short one minute, we go from complete and utter mayhem to touching true love...even if that touching happens to be with a severed beautifully absurd! Loved it!

  • Neil Radtke: Wonderful Guy

    I was captivated by this piece from the very first page. Inventive in its structure, this play resonated with me on many levels. The usage of the gorilla as a constant throughout served to remind me of how truly few constants we have in life. (As is shown by Neil's ever-changing situations.) Just a wonderfully moving piece.

    I was captivated by this piece from the very first page. Inventive in its structure, this play resonated with me on many levels. The usage of the gorilla as a constant throughout served to remind me of how truly few constants we have in life. (As is shown by Neil's ever-changing situations.) Just a wonderfully moving piece.

  • Neil Radtke: The Shark Play

    I absolutely loved this play. The unique setting coupled with the emotional roller coaster made this an extremely engaging tale. The bit with Flossy and Mojo was just hysterically tragic...and I loved every second of it.

    I absolutely loved this play. The unique setting coupled with the emotional roller coaster made this an extremely engaging tale. The bit with Flossy and Mojo was just hysterically tragic...and I loved every second of it.

  • Neil Radtke: A Lot A Lot (one-minute play)

    Do I like this play? Yes. Do I like it a lot? Yes. A wonderful play that tugs at the heartstrings.

    Do I like this play? Yes. Do I like it a lot? Yes. A wonderful play that tugs at the heartstrings.

  • Neil Radtke: I Don't Want To End Up As A Douchebag Character In One Of Your Plays: A Play

    This was amazing. Bravo!

    This was amazing. Bravo!

  • Neil Radtke: THE JOYS OF CHRISTMAS (Monologue)

    A completely engaging monologue that allows a performer to really stretch themselves. I especially enjoyed the ending. "We creatively construct our own realities," isn't that the truth?

    A completely engaging monologue that allows a performer to really stretch themselves. I especially enjoyed the ending. "We creatively construct our own realities," isn't that the truth?