Recommended by Neil Radtke

  • Neil Radtke: THE WADER

    A powerful monologue that tells a full story in just a few paragraphs. Great audition piece that gives an actor freedom to work out within themselves the conflict and then bring it to life.

    A powerful monologue that tells a full story in just a few paragraphs. Great audition piece that gives an actor freedom to work out within themselves the conflict and then bring it to life.

  • Neil Radtke: Problematic

    There are a lot of popular things from the past that are really being looked at now as being "not ok." Pflaster does a great job in such a short space showing the discussions that need to be had about many many things that were acceptable previously, but not so much now. Pflaster also shows how hard it is for some to just "let go" of things that resonated with them at some point in their past.

    There are a lot of popular things from the past that are really being looked at now as being "not ok." Pflaster does a great job in such a short space showing the discussions that need to be had about many many things that were acceptable previously, but not so much now. Pflaster also shows how hard it is for some to just "let go" of things that resonated with them at some point in their past.

  • Neil Radtke: Once upon a Train (A One-Minute Play)

    Worth reading multiple times to grasp the many nuances of the interaction. This play does a lot to shine a spotlight on the many fleeting interactions we have every day and the inner struggles of those around us.

    Worth reading multiple times to grasp the many nuances of the interaction. This play does a lot to shine a spotlight on the many fleeting interactions we have every day and the inner struggles of those around us.

  • Neil Radtke: Abandonment [a 1-minute play]

    A strongly emotional piece that resonates on so many levels. Martin weaves the character's inner struggle in a powerful and impactful way.

    A strongly emotional piece that resonates on so many levels. Martin weaves the character's inner struggle in a powerful and impactful way.

  • Neil Radtke: Miracle on Nevada State Route 375 [a 1-minute play]

    UFO takes on a new definition (Unidentified...what?) in this hilarious and touching short play. I admit I thought this play was going to go in one direction but when it went in a totally unexpected way, I loved it.

    UFO takes on a new definition (Unidentified...what?) in this hilarious and touching short play. I admit I thought this play was going to go in one direction but when it went in a totally unexpected way, I loved it.

  • Neil Radtke: Ten Inches are Two Lifetimes [a 1-minute play]

    On my first read of this play I got to the end and audibly said, "Wait, what?" I then read it two more times to really let the message sink in. Martin does a wonderful job packing a punch in such a short time.

    On my first read of this play I got to the end and audibly said, "Wait, what?" I then read it two more times to really let the message sink in. Martin does a wonderful job packing a punch in such a short time.

  • Neil Radtke: Gotta Go

    Fast-paced and funny, this play is a minute of comedy gold.

    Fast-paced and funny, this play is a minute of comedy gold.

  • Neil Radtke: The Rapping

    Creepy, fun, classic horror at its finest! Deray creates a suspenseful tale that keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. A perfect play for a chilling night of Halloween-themed theatre!

    Creepy, fun, classic horror at its finest! Deray creates a suspenseful tale that keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. A perfect play for a chilling night of Halloween-themed theatre!

  • Neil Radtke: A Tale of Two Ornaments

    This was a heart-warming and fun play that young actors would adore. This play draws you in from the very beginning and makes you eager to see what will happen to the two ornaments. It would be a delightful play to see staged.

    This was a heart-warming and fun play that young actors would adore. This play draws you in from the very beginning and makes you eager to see what will happen to the two ornaments. It would be a delightful play to see staged.

  • Neil Radtke: An Appreciation

    I really enjoyed this play. Martin does an outstanding job at setting the scene for the big reveal at the end. I was pulled in the beginning and loved every moment of the ride to the end. Would be a wonderful show to watch and experience from the audience.

    I really enjoyed this play. Martin does an outstanding job at setting the scene for the big reveal at the end. I was pulled in the beginning and loved every moment of the ride to the end. Would be a wonderful show to watch and experience from the audience.