Recommended by Chelsea Frandsen

  • A Shakespeare Carol (full-length) updated 10/2/19
    7 Dec. 2018
    Shakespeare and Christmas Carol fans will delight in this retelling of the classic Christmas story, featuring the Bard and several of my favorite Shakespeare characters as his guides.
  • Daisy Wheel
    7 Dec. 2018
    A thoughtful look at part of society we don't talk about and should. This a necessary start to a very necessary conversation. Bravo Everett!
  • A Wound Clock
    1 Dec. 2018
    "A clock needs to be wound up, to do it's job." That's a quote that is definitely going on my Quote Wall. It sums up the theme of this play wonderfully. The allegories and interstitial blend beautifully with the plot, and are one of my favorite parts. Fiery Molly, John and Elliot are sympathetically drawn and are perfect eyes to see through this little bit of history.
  • And Then, She Picks Up the Sword (Theatre-for-Teens version)
    1 Dec. 2018
    A delightful fairy tale of a play full of princes, princesses, sassy servants, an over the top cleric, witches, and dragons that kept me smiling.
  • A Midnight Clear: The Christmas Truce of 1914
    1 Dec. 2018
    Beautifully drawn and empathetic characters, in this telling of the Christmas Truce. A heart wrenching testament of love, loss, hope, and the costs of war. Read this! Produce this! It's a story that needs to be told.
  • A Revolutionary Christmas
    30 Nov. 2018
    A wonderful look at the true meaning of Christmas, of family, of love, and loss and forgiveness. Bravo Reiner!
  • Beastly Beauty (full-length) last updated 7/2/18
    5 Nov. 2018
    I'm a sucker for any Beauty and the Beast adaption, and also a sucker for history. This play has both--a very necessary and delightful adaption of my favorite fairy tale. Mirabelle is awesome!
  • The Lost Girls
    26 Oct. 2018
    I'm never working at a summer camp. Not unless I work at one that makes me shiver and scream with laughter like this place does. Fans of AMS, Supernatural and Scooby-Doo will eat this show up!
    26 Oct. 2018
    This is the type of theatre we currently need on our stages. Asher Wyndham has crafted a story that made me empathize with all of it's characters and have a serious think about several subjects that don't get talked about as much as they should be. Emotionally and politically charged, this play stayed with me long after I reached the final page. I'd buy opening night tickets to see it live!
  • Concordance
    26 Oct. 2018
    I'm a sucker for history, and Alexander Cruden has always been one of those historical figures who have always fascinated me. Thank you John Minigan. This play is beautiful. Lyrical. Heart-wrenching. Mind-bending. Genre-defying. There isn't a list of words good enough or long enough to describe this story. Also: five people play twenty-two characters--and it works brilliantly!
