Recommended by Matthew Weaver

  • The Green Book Wine Club Train Trip
    26 Jul. 2017
    Wow. Wow. Amazing, astounding, astonishing and accomplished all in one breath. Historically honest and pure fun at the same time, from beginning to end. Johnson writes smart, compelling, SMART, lovable characters, and we as readers/viewers are putty in her hands.I especially adore that she allows her characters to figure things out. A pleasure. Exceptional. Please, Michelle, write more things!
  • Forever Yours
    23 Jul. 2017
    Had the pleasure of seeing this put on during the Gallery Players Black Box Festival in Brooklyn, NY, in June. Fun and heartfelt, the gentle beginnings of a love story. Real kids, hanging out, trying to make their way in a confusing world. And everyone has to contend with Elliott Danziger and his darn biceps in some form or fashion. A good offering from a truly kind gentleman.
  • THE ONE-WORD ODYSSEY (one-hour)
    22 Jul. 2017
    A truly epic feat, slimming THE ODYSSEY down so that each line of dialogue is a single word. A marvelous read, a good way to convey the story and an interesting adventure, told with style and natural humor which embraces the conceit and delivery. A pleasure to read, would be a joy to watch unfold on stage. I particularly liked the members of the Greek Chorus electing to skip Aeolus' island because it's boring, but still have the secret bag on Ulysses' ship. Thoroughly enjoyable.
    22 Jul. 2017
    Bold. Strong. Powerful. Goldman-Sherman handles sensitive subjects unflinchingly, dares the audience to both watch and to look away. Important words here that need to be said, and shared, conveyed in a style that is all her own.
  • Apples in Winter
    21 Jul. 2017
    I cannot stop thinking about this script. So simple it's elegant, and amazing in its depth and compassion for its sole character. "My son asked me to make him an apple pie. So I'm going to make him one." Fawcett's masterpiece shows us a woman laying her aching heart bare for us. A tour de force.
  • The FQ
    8 Jul. 2017
    Fucking fantastic. Fucking funny and fucking quick and fucking ends with a fucking fabulous conclusion. Really fucking captures the playwright's fucking dilemma of how much fucking cursing should the fucking dialogue contain and remain fucking true to the fucking story. Fucking brilliant.
  • Policarpa: Apocalypse Sur Amerikka
    28 Jun. 2017
    An amazing feat, blending history and the present (and the future?) with magical realism and the gritty, world-weary realities of war in a way that we rarely see depicted. Every character comes fully-armed with hidden depths; each would be a true joy and challenge for a performer to bring to life. There's so much here to marvel and admire. We as an audience are in Ms. Burbano's very capable hands. Heartrending and joyous all in the same breath.
  • Focus Group Play
    5 Jun. 2017
    "Noises Off" proportions of hilarity. Six people around a table has never been so hilarious. I was chortling as Barrett masterfully lets things unfold. Elegantly captures a lot of ridiculousness and puts it to good, pointed use. Destined to be a classic. A genuine pleasure.
  • The Hanging Girl
    27 May. 2017
    We as an audience are gifted first with an illicit high school party, then watch, mesmerized, as it turns into a ghost story before our eyes, building to a shattering exploration of the past's impact upon the present. Like the haunting tale Sonny sucks his friends in with, Merilo captures us before we even suspect we've been snagged. Thoroughly enjoyable and engrossing.
    28 Apr. 2017
    I saw an early version of this in Spokane, WA as "The Italian Prisoner." Lewis packs a epic story of danger and intrigue and sibling loyalty and friendship into a fully loaded tale. This is is a play in which everyone acts with the noblest of intentions in a time of war. A master's attention to detail - as Martina's sister recites over and over the elements of the periodic table, which pays off exquisitely. I was also immensely moved by Sam fulfilling Joey's wish to meet the opera singer who meant so much to him. Magnificent.
