With shades of "Ordinary People" and "Rabbit Hole," "Saturday Mourning Cartoons" is a sly, yet tender exploration of grief, loss, and family. I've never heard the loss of faith as articulately or poetically described as I have here. This play also begs the question: When we experience a tremendous loss, how do we trust ourselves (or those still with us) to pick up the pieces? Even at their ugliest moments, I loved spending time with Reilly's characters, and wanted to see them through to the end of their healing journey. A gorgeous play that I can't wait to see!
With shades of "Ordinary People" and "Rabbit Hole," "Saturday Mourning Cartoons" is a sly, yet tender exploration of grief, loss, and family. I've never heard the loss of faith as articulately or poetically described as I have here. This play also begs the question: When we experience a tremendous loss, how do we trust ourselves (or those still with us) to pick up the pieces? Even at their ugliest moments, I loved spending time with Reilly's characters, and wanted to see them through to the end of their healing journey. A gorgeous play that I can't wait to see!