Recommended by Emily Hageman

  • Voir Dire
    14 Aug. 2019
    Wow. This is an incredible ten minute play, one of the best I've ever read. It's completely straightforward and honest and all of the female characters are so varied and so real. I am totally inspired by this remarkable piece of theatre that does more than take a hot button issue and use it--Atallah writes with great passion and conviction and honesty. Fantastic. I'm blown away. This is a playwright to watch.
  • Unplug
    13 Aug. 2019
    A powerful, surprisingly humorous, extremely real piece about an impossible decision. The characters are beautifully fleshed out in just a short ten minutes and the end packs a real punch. A powerful short play about letting others go, even when it hurts.
  • White Women
    7 Aug. 2019
    A powerful, deeply true monologue. This piece was a gut punch. I needed to hear it--EVERYONE needs to hear it. Salsbury has such a powerful, truthful voice--and the fact that she attached a picture of herself to this monologue makes it even more fearless. What a writer, what a piece.
    18 Jul. 2019
    Delightful and so charming and fun. Wyndham has proven yet again that he understands all voices, and finds value in everyone. I love this socially conscious teen who is so unapologetically true to the themselves. Funny, fresh, lively, and an absolute ball. Young performers would eat this us (raaaaaargh!)
  • One is the Road
    5 Jul. 2019
    Wow, this is one of the most magnificent monologues I've ever read. A truly amazing piece of writing--incredibly theatrical and beautiful and striking, and the end floored me. What a marvelous piece, I highly recommend that you take a moment to read this fantastic monologue. It won't take more than five minutes and you will be a better writer because of it. I'm serious. Read it now.
    5 Jul. 2019
    A beautiful, but starkly painful play about how in our world, there don't seem to be safe spaces any more. Carnes tells the story with every ounce of pain the situation deserves. Honest and real, Carnes hits her emotional mark with this short play.
    26 Jun. 2019
    A beautiful, poignant piece about bullying. Yes, it's funny and sweet and the main character is adorable, but there is such a big ache in this piece. Children who are bullied feel helpless and angry, and if these emotions are not heard and understood, they can turn into something very dangerous. Thankfully, Dino Kid seems to have a good idea of how we should treat each other--with respect. Wyndham is a master at melding pain and humor. Another lovely monologue from the monologue king himself.
    26 Jun. 2019
    A fabulous monologue for a feisty young lady. As always, Wyndham isn't just writing monologues to give kids something to do--he's giving them something important to say. He brings up some really good points in this piece about how kids are starting to get wise to the mistakes that their parents have made. I can see this piece being incredibly empowering for a young woman. We need more monologues like this!
  • Cage
    25 Jun. 2019
    A striking, surprisingly dark piece. It's funny until it isn't any more--and then, it's downright frightening. O'Grady does a marvelous thing in helping us to feel empathy for a living creature that isn't human, but is still alive--and trapped. And then, you start thinking about the cages we lock ourselves in--addiction, bad relationships, etc--and you think about how you can tell yourself "it's not so bad, it's okay, I get by, it's fine." This is a deeply layered, wonderfully written piece from a deeply layered and wonderful playwright. Read O'Grady NOW.
    25 Jun. 2019
    This play put a pit in my stomach. I have lived this play and it evoked in me such a sense of fear, just reading and remembering. Wow. This play needs to be seen and heard so that everyone involved, EVERYONE can understand what it feels like for a woman in this position.
