Recommended by Lee R. Lawing

  • I'm Having the Worst Day
    2 Jul. 2018
    What a beautiful monologue about death and hope. This is so well done--the way it all begins about hearing another person saying they are having a bad day when Danielle is dealing with her father's pending death. The part where she talks about swallowing her gum instead of spitting it out and how the next day her dad shows a little improvement so she decides to keep swallowing the gum each visit was just so real and just one of the many moments that resonant with the reader long after this monologue is over.
  • Talos
    1 Jul. 2018
    I wish I had seen this at the William Inge Festival this year. What a great short play that mixes the elements of comedy and drama so richly around such a serious backdrop. George weaves this tale so expertly. Would make such a great piece on the stage. I highly recommend this play!
  • The Kitty Bomb (ten minute comedy)
    28 Jun. 2018
    Loved reading this play and so very sorry I wasn't able to see the reading of it at the William Inge Festival. So funny and yet, that funny that comes from such real and sometimes such sad situations. I highly recommend this play!
  • In Alabama
    27 Jun. 2018
    What a beautifully executed short play by J. Lois Diamond. Poetic and full of evocative images throughout. Although set in the past it shows timely lessons for us today that we can never or should never forget history as powerful as this small vignette portrays. I highly recommend this play and everyone should read this thoughtful and beautiful tribute.
  • Are You Comfortable?
    15 Jun. 2018
    Such a poignant piece that begs to be seen on stage. Strong dialogue and the haunting image of the young girl’s last words are just heart-breaking. I highly recommend this play
  • los immortales
    12 Jun. 2018
    Beautifully written about hopes for the future when there might not be one. Love the modern feelings of today inserted into the folktale of old. Such two strong characters and the wordplay between them so poetically realized. Very nice!
  • To Mr. Wilson, c/o Shapiro & Gold
    4 Jun. 2018
    What a great play!! A terrifying tale brought to life. I highly recommend this play!
    3 Jun. 2018
    Such a fun play to read and see. Love the visuals included and what a great monologue for a kid or anyone who maintains their kid heart. I love this play and so recommend it! Great work Asher! I'm inspired!
    20 May. 2018
    A funny and so telling play about a manager's and new hire's path to blind trust set in the dark--brilliant. The humor is spot on and the two characters' journey so relatable. I highly recommend this play!
  • Rank
    19 May. 2018
    I got to see this play read at the 2018 William Inge Theater Festival. The moderators said it was a near perfect short play and I can contest to that. Such powerful dialogue and characters. I highly recommend this play!
