A writer's dreams exist in a fragile state of mind to begin with, and if, like Emily, we are fortunate enough to have anything produced where there might be a review, I feel we would all need to hope that our super power is a tough skin when the reviews come out. They say A.I. will take over everything about our current lives and leave us all useless unwanted and that just may be, but until then, I hope that we have plays as funny and dare I say terrifying as "armchAIr critic" by Debra A. Cole to read
A writer's dreams exist in a fragile state of mind to begin with, and if, like Emily, we are fortunate enough to have anything produced where there might be a review, I feel we would all need to hope that our super power is a tough skin when the reviews come out. They say A.I. will take over everything about our current lives and leave us all useless unwanted and that just may be, but until then, I hope that we have plays as funny and dare I say terrifying as "armchAIr critic" by Debra A. Cole to read