Recommended by Lee R. Lawing

  • Lee R. Lawing: Stockholm Or...

    Tense and frightening and everything you could expect with a minute and like life itself try as we may to control most things in our lives, there are those moments where we can't or don't or are prevented and sometimes we have to muster some inner courage that we didn't even know we had to push through and out to hopefully freedom.

    Tense and frightening and everything you could expect with a minute and like life itself try as we may to control most things in our lives, there are those moments where we can't or don't or are prevented and sometimes we have to muster some inner courage that we didn't even know we had to push through and out to hopefully freedom.


    Parents can be so protective of their children and those who have become single even more so. The introduction of that child to a potential new boyfriend or girlfriend must be one of the scariest moments to think of how this child will react with someone new. The dialogue of this play is so well written and the characters so completely fleshed out that you will feel as if you've just dropped in for a lobster dinner at the neighbor's house down the street.

    Parents can be so protective of their children and those who have become single even more so. The introduction of that child to a potential new boyfriend or girlfriend must be one of the scariest moments to think of how this child will react with someone new. The dialogue of this play is so well written and the characters so completely fleshed out that you will feel as if you've just dropped in for a lobster dinner at the neighbor's house down the street.

  • Lee R. Lawing: Crossed Wires

    A lot of us dream of being part of a bigger picture that expands and reveals that our lives might be more than what we had thought them to be and that maybe we have a real purpose in this life and in this delightful zany play we have a person who thinks that maybe they are a spy or maybe in the end, just insane, but either way, you will find yourself caught up in the craziness that will drive you insane with laughter.

    A lot of us dream of being part of a bigger picture that expands and reveals that our lives might be more than what we had thought them to be and that maybe we have a real purpose in this life and in this delightful zany play we have a person who thinks that maybe they are a spy or maybe in the end, just insane, but either way, you will find yourself caught up in the craziness that will drive you insane with laughter.

  • Lee R. Lawing: Mutual Attraction

    Mutual Attraction is a charming and funny one minute play. Sometimes people are really meant for one another and who doesn't enjoy a happy ending?

    Mutual Attraction is a charming and funny one minute play. Sometimes people are really meant for one another and who doesn't enjoy a happy ending?

  • Lee R. Lawing: 18,936 Steps (A Monologue)

    We all have those days when we feel that the world is against us and nothing that we do makes anything better or feel that we can redirect the course of action occurring. When the situation is truly a life or death one, it is even more intense and what Amelia is feeling as she takes her walk the day she may get a call that she'll never see her husband again after a surgery he's undergoing. You'll never forget this piece because it touches on those things we should all hope to experience in our life to feel human.

    We all have those days when we feel that the world is against us and nothing that we do makes anything better or feel that we can redirect the course of action occurring. When the situation is truly a life or death one, it is even more intense and what Amelia is feeling as she takes her walk the day she may get a call that she'll never see her husband again after a surgery he's undergoing. You'll never forget this piece because it touches on those things we should all hope to experience in our life to feel human.

  • Lee R. Lawing: Pineapples

    Sometimes it may be a good thing that we don't share everything with our partner or all of our true feelings as this sharp and insightful play digs deep into those lines of communication that are oh so important in every successful relationship and that oh so important rule to count to ten before uttering anything that may leave the other one shattered.

    Sometimes it may be a good thing that we don't share everything with our partner or all of our true feelings as this sharp and insightful play digs deep into those lines of communication that are oh so important in every successful relationship and that oh so important rule to count to ten before uttering anything that may leave the other one shattered.

  • Lee R. Lawing: The Fastest Ever Singer Monologue

    This was the featured play of the day for me and I'd never read about Ann Pashley at all and so glad I have discovered her. Even though we are little better in today's world about supporting everyone in their endeavors, the world still puts into winning brackets for most every thing we do in this life and I love Ann's observance that perhaps she only won silver and is only a respected opera singer and not renowned one because that's to show that there will always be people better at every thing including this with Olympian skills.

    This was the featured play of the day for me and I'd never read about Ann Pashley at all and so glad I have discovered her. Even though we are little better in today's world about supporting everyone in their endeavors, the world still puts into winning brackets for most every thing we do in this life and I love Ann's observance that perhaps she only won silver and is only a respected opera singer and not renowned one because that's to show that there will always be people better at every thing including this with Olympian skills.

  • Lee R. Lawing: Perseus and the Pretty Purple Pickles: A short play for young audiences [co-written with DC Cathro]

    We all love a good tongue twister and this is also a great one. Plus, children of all ages will love this quest that Perseus goes on for his Mom to the local supermarket for a jar of pretty purple pickles. You, too, will be wishing you had one of those delicious treats by play's end.

    We all love a good tongue twister and this is also a great one. Plus, children of all ages will love this quest that Perseus goes on for his Mom to the local supermarket for a jar of pretty purple pickles. You, too, will be wishing you had one of those delicious treats by play's end.

  • Lee R. Lawing: A ROM-COM (SORT OF)

    We all could use some made up friends who are as great as those in Levin's delightful and whacky short play, A Rom-Com (sort of). Love has never felt as good or possible as it does here and that my friends is the perfect place to be.

    We all could use some made up friends who are as great as those in Levin's delightful and whacky short play, A Rom-Com (sort of). Love has never felt as good or possible as it does here and that my friends is the perfect place to be.

  • Lee R. Lawing: I Knew Him

    This was the featured play of the day for me and I am so glad it was. A beautiful tale that seeps into your bloodstream and doesn't leave longer after the lights fade. Grief and joy and gratitude for being part of the human race and a play that is just beautiful.

    This was the featured play of the day for me and I am so glad it was. A beautiful tale that seeps into your bloodstream and doesn't leave longer after the lights fade. Grief and joy and gratitude for being part of the human race and a play that is just beautiful.